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Struttura marginale tirrenica dell’Appennino campano...
来自 : www.researchgate.net/publicati 发布时间:2021-03-25
ArticleStruttura marginale tirrenica dell’Appennino campano: reinterpretazione di dati di antiche ricerche di idrocarburiJanuary 1973Authors:

\"F.F. Ippolito

\"F.F. Ortolani

\"M.M. Russo

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Request full-text PDFCitations (204)References (0)... The plains of the Tyrrhenian side of central-southern Italian coastal belt derive from the Quaternary evolution of Pliocene structural depressions of different size and geometry, the bottom of whichset on Mesozoic-Cenozoic unitsis lowered even several thousand meters with regard to the adjacent ridges of the Apennines (Ippolito et al. 1973). The need to better define the possible effects of global warming on coastal areas is pushing on the scientific community to carry out new studies on coastal plains devoted to the reconstruction of ancient environmental scenarios in response to sea level change and local tectonics. ...... Massico and Sorrento Peninsula. All these basins are filled by thick successions of clastic and pyroclastic deposits and volcanic products (up to four thousand meters), due to tectonic subsidence compensation (Ippolito et al. 1973;Cosentino et al. 2006;Milia et al. 2017). ...... The study area is located in the graben of the Garigliano Plain ( Fig. 1), which is a square-shaped low with about 12 km-long sides, bordered by NE-SW-striking main faults (Bergomi et al. 1969;Ippolito et al. 1973). The NE-SW-striking and SE-dipping fault bordering the plain to the north (Northern Garigliano Line -NGL in Fig. 1) and the parallel/antithetic fault system bordering the plain to the south along the foothill of the Mt. ...Multiproxy study of cores from the Garigliano Plain: An insight into the Late Quaternary coastal evolution of Central-Southern ItalyArticleFeb 2021PALAEOGEOGR PALAEOCL

\"VincenzoVincenzo Amato

\"GiuseppeGiuseppe Aiello

\"PietroPietro Aucelli

\"MarcelloMarcello SchiattarellaTwo boreholes, both about 16 m-deep, have been drilled in the Garigliano Plain, a coastal-alluvial plain located at the boundary between southern Latium and northern Campania, Italy. The drill holes have been planned and carried out in the southern part of the plain, near to the bordering ridge of Mount Massico. The multidisciplinary analyses performed on sediment samples from both cores revealed the presence of several marine and continental sedimentation environments, transitional facies and volcanic rocks. All these data, together with the stratigraphic correlation between the two logs, allowed the reconstruction of the sedimentary and morphological evolution of the plain during the Late Quaternary. Further, such an evolutionary sequence has been used as a comparison scheme with regard to other coastal plains of the Tyrrhenian side of central and southern Italy to stress similar or different behaviours among them on a distance of about 400 km of coastal belt. Some remarkable differences have been actually enlighten, with particular reference to the MIS 5.5 and the Holocene.The occurrence in both cores of products of the Campanian Ignimbrite – a ~ 40 ka pyroclastic unit – and associated reworked deposits (about five metres-thick in both cases), has been here reported for the first time in the subsurface of the southern part of the Garigliano Plain. In addition, a tephra layer has been detected at −14.50 m of depth (i.e. 13.50 m a.s.l.) in the northernmost core. This layer has been ⁴⁰Ar/³⁹Ar dated at 124.5 ± 0.5 ka. In the upper part of the same drill core, deposits interpreted as lagoonal-swamp facies have been recognized. On the basis of ¹⁴C dating, we can attribute the starting stage of such a sedimentation to the effects induced by the Post-glacial sea-level rise at about 8000 yr BP. These chronological constraints permitted us to obtain from the paleoecological, palynological, and granulometric analyses of the sampled successions helpful and precise information about sea-level changes along that coastal belt.ViewShow abstract... Il margine tirrenico della Campania è stato l oggetto di numerosi studi stratigraficostrutturali basati sulla sismica a riflessione multicanale calibrata con i dati sismici e di pozzo sia a terra che a mare. L età di formazione del bacino sedimentario del Golfo di Napoli, la sua architettura stratigrafica e la calibrazione delle sequenze sismiche che lo caratterizzano sono state l oggetto di un acceso dibattito geologico e geofisico [D Argenio et al., 1973;Ippolito et al., 1973;Finetti e Morelli, 1974;Ortolani e Aprile, 1978;Fabbri et al., 1981;Bartole, 1983;Bartole et al., 1984;Trincardi e Zitellini, 1987;Mariani e Prato, 1988;Patacca et al., 1990;Fusi et al., 1991;Fusi, 1996;Berrino et al., 1998;Milia et al., 1998a;1998b;Milia e Torrente, 1999;Bruno et al., 2003;Milia e Torrente, 2003;Zollo et al., 2003;Aiello et al., 2005;Ruggieri et al., 2007;Aiello et al., 2011a;2011b;Conti et al., 2017]. Il metodo sismico a riflessione risulta estremamente versatile per lo studio delle caratteristiche stratigraficostrutturali del Golfo di Napoli, caratterizzato dalla coesistenza di unità sismostratigrafiche di natura sedimentaria e vulcanica. ...... Mariani e Prato, 1988;Sacchi et al., 1994;Acocella et al., 1999;Aiello et al., 2000;Milia e Torrente, 2003;Acocella e Funiciello, 2006;Torrente e Milia, 2013;Conti et al., 2017]. L assetto strutturale dei bacini sedimentari del margine tirrenico della Campania e la loro subsidenza sono stati oggetto di studi dettagliati basati sulla geologia di terreno e sui dati sismici e di pozzo, sia a terra che a mare [D Argenio et al., 1973;Finetti e Morelli, 1974;Ippolito et al., 1973;Ortolani e Aprile, 1978;Fabbri et al., 1981;Bartole, 1983;Bartole et al., 1984;Trincardi e Zitellini, 1987;Mariani e Prato, 1988;Milia, 2010;Torrente e Milia, 2013;Conti et al., 2017]. Nonostante ciò, la relativa scarsità di dati sismici recenti e l assenza di pozzi profondi nel Golfo di Napoli rendono complessa la ricostruzione dell età di formazione del bacino e la calibrazione delle sequenze sismiche che lo caratterizzano. ...... Le linee sismiche qui presentate consentono di tracciare un quadro geologico della struttura profonda delle aree investigate, con particolare riferimento ai rapporti tra il basamento acustico ed il riempimento sedimentario all interno del bacino. Sono stati inoltre utilizzati, per integrare i risultati della sismica profonda, i dati litostratigrafici di pozzi profondi localizzati sul margine tirrenico campanolaziale [Ippolito et al., 1973;Ortolani e Aprile, 1978;Fig. 20]. ...Dati sismostratigrafici sul margine continentale della Campania tra Ischia, Capri ed il bacino del Volturno (Tirreno meridionale, Italia) in base al processing sismico ed all’interpretazione geologica di profili sismici a riflessione multicanaleArticleFull-text availableJan 2019Anna Giuseppa Cicchella

\"GemmaGemma AielloAlcuni profili sismici multicanale sul margine continentale della Campania sono stati elaboratied interpretati con lo scopo di fornire nuove evidenze geologiche sull’assetto tettono­stratigrafico di questo settore del margine tirrenico dell’Italia meridionale. In particolare, i profilisismici interpretati hanno attraversato le strutture geologiche delle Isole di Ischia e Capri el’offshore del Volturno.La struttura geologica regionale del margine continentale della Campania è caratterizzata davarie strutture geologiche e dalle corrispondenti unità sismiche, di natura sia vulcanica chesedimentaria. Le sezioni sismiche interpretate sono state suddivise in settori differenti in basealla diversa riflettività, rispettivamente buona presso la Penisola Sorrentina e la foce del Volturnoe scarsa presso il canyon Magnaghi e l’alto strutturale di Ischia per la presenza di livelli vulcanicie vulcanoclastici.La scarpata continentale dell’Isola di Capri­Bocca Piccola è contraddistinta dalla presenza di unastruttura carbonatica controllata dall’unità sismica carbonatica profonda, geneticamentecollegata, ricoperta da spesse unità sismiche sedimentarie, rappresentate da cunei progradantirelitti, di probabile età medio­tardo pleistocenica. Queste unità sono a loro volta ricoperte daun sottile drappeggio di depositi olocenici, che suggerisce una sotto­alimentazione della scarpatacontinentale al largo di Bocca Piccola durante il tardo Quaternario, quando quest’area era unalto strutturale, caratterizzato da carbonati meso­cenozoici inclinati verso nord­ovest, cherappresentavano il proseguimento in mare dell’alto strutturale di Capri. Facies sismicheacusticamente trasparenti sono state osservate nel settore del canyon Magnaghi­offshore diIschia, localizzato in corrispondenza dell’alto strutturale vulcanico di Ischia. L’interpretazionesismica ha mostrato che l’incisione del canyon Magnaghi, caratterizzato da una profondità dimassima incisione di 450 m, ha prevalentemente coinvolto i depositi vulcanici, mancanti diriflettività interna. Un altro settore principale è rappresentato dal Bacino del Volturno, dove sonostate identificate tre unità sismiche, che formano il riempimento del bacino. Queste unità sonostate rispettivamente interpretate come argille costiere pleistoceniche in alternanza con depositivulcanoclastici, come depositi marini e deltizi del Pleistocene medio e come depositi miocenicidi flysch, geneticamente collegati con il Flysch di Frosinone Auct. Il Bacino del Magnaghi, quiriconosciuto e precedentemente non noto, è un piccolo bacino sedimentario localizzatonell’offshore di Ischia, il cui riempimento è caratterizzato da riflettori sismici paralleli e continui. Un alto morfo­strutturale (“Banco di Fuori” o “Banco di Bocca Grande”), che delimita verso sudil Golfo di Napoli, alto circa 800 m, è caratterizzato dalla presenza dell’unità sismica carbonaticaprofonda, che ne rappresenta l’ossatura stratigrafica. Mentre il suo fianco nord­occidentale ècontraddistinto dall’esistenza di spessi cunei progradanti relitti, quello sud­orientale è ribassatodalla faglia diretta Acerra­canyon Dohrn, una delle faglie regionali anti­appenniche (NE­SW) piùsignificative nel controllo della struttura geologica regionale del Golfo di Napoli. L’alto èdelimitato lateralmente dal canyon Dohrn nella sua parte meridionale e dal canyon Magnaghinella sua parte settentrionale. L’alto strutturale di Capri è distinto da riflettori marcati, parallelie continui, interpretati come il cuneo progradante relitto superiore (unità B), che ricopre il cuneoprogradante relitto inferiore (unità A). Entrambi i cunei ricoprono in discordanza l’unitàcarbonatica profonda. Il passaggio alla Valle di Salerno avviene attraverso la faglia direttaregionale Capri­Sorrento, con andamento NNW­SSE, caratterizzata da un rigetto di circa 1 kmed attiva durante il Pleistocene. Questa faglia separa il Golfo di Salerno dal Golfo di Napoli. LaValle di Salerno è riempita da quattro unità sismiche. La più recente presenta riflettori sismicicontinui e paralleli ed è stata messa in relazione con depositi marini e continentali delQuaternario, che ricoprono depositi pleistocenici che mostrano le stesse caratteristiche sismichee rappresentano la seconda unità sismica. La terza unità mostra riflettori discontinui interpretaticome depositi miocenici di flysch, geneticamente collegati con il Flysch del Cilento Auct., mentrel’unità più profonda è stata interpretata come costituita dai carbonati meso­cenozoici.ViewShow abstract... Essa fa parte della grande depressione morfo-strutturale della piana campana, impostatasi lungo la fascia tirrenica della catena sud-appenninica in seguito alle fasi tettoniche del Pleistocene inferiore (Ippolito et al., 1973 ;Aprile et al., 1978 ;Cinque et al., 1987). ...... Questo graben costiero è delimitato dalle dorsali dei massicci carbonatici meso-cenozoici del Monte Massico, dei Monti di Avella e di Sarno e dei Monti Lattari. Esso è marginato da lineamenti tettonici di importanza regionale ad andamento appenninico (NW -SE) ed antiappenninico (NE-SW), che hanno causato il graduale approfondimento con contemporaneo colmamento ad opera di potenti successioni di sedimenti continentali, marini e transizionali, nonchè vulcanici con differente composizione petrografica (Ippolito et al., 1973 ;Bernasconi et al., 1981 ;Ortolani e Aprile, 1985 ;Di Girolamo et al., 1988). ...... La maggior parte dei depositi che costituiscono il riempimento del graben campano è rappresentata dai prodotti eruttivi legati ad apparati vulcanici ora sepolti sotto la piana (Ippolito et al., 1973 ;Bernasconi et al., 1981 ;Ortolani e Aprile, 1985) e da materiali piroclastici rimaneggiati e risedimentati (Fig. 1). ...Evoluzione geomorfologica, neotettonica e vulcanica della piana costiera del fiume Sarno (Campania) in relazione agli insediamenti anteriori all eruzione del 79 d.C.ArticleFull-text availableJan 1990

\"ClaudeClaude Livadie

\"DianaDiana BarraG. Bonaduce

\"FilippoFilippo RussoRiassuntoGli studi geologici recentemente eseguiti lungo il settore tirrenico campano della catena sud-appenninica hanno evidenziato le strette relazioni esistenti tra i processi vulcanici, l evoluzione delle pianure costiere e delle linee di costa e gli eventi neotettonici esplicatisi durante il Quaternario.In questa nota vengono esposti i dati riguardanti il controllo esercitato dall attività vulcanica dell apparato Somma-Vesuvio e dalle recenti fasi neotettoniche, connesse alla deformazione della catena sud-appenninica,sull evoluzione geomorfologica olocenica della piana costiera del fiume Sarno. In particolare, sono illustrate le caratteristiche stratigrafico-strutturali e geomorfologiche della piana del Sarno ed il probabile andamento della linea di riva in epoca anteriore all eruzione del 79 d.C.L analisi delle stratigrafie di oltre 50 sondaggi effettuati nell area di pianura, tra Torre Annunziata e il Sarno, confortata da rinvenimenti archeologici di epoca protostorica e romana, ha consentito, infatti, di proporre una ricostruzione paleoambientale e paleogeografica di questo settore, contribuendo a migliorare le conoscenze circa l evoluzione geologica recente in relazione allo studio degli insediamenti umani antichi e alla probabile ubicazione del porto dell’antica Pompei.In conclusione, si può affermare che l indagine eseguita ha consentito per la prima volta di delineare con sufficiente dettaglio e con buon grado di affidabilità, le condizioni paleogeografiche della pianura pompeiana al momento dell eruzione vesuviana del 79 d.C., permettendo di sgombrare il campo da una serie di ipotesi molto diversificate affacciate da vari autori in passato.Il quadro paleogeografico ricostruito evidenzia una piana alluvionale costiera in cui il principale agente morfogenetico è il moto ondoso. Ci si trova quindi di fronte ad un ambiente dominato dai processi di derivalitoranea in pieno accordo sia con i dati riguardanti l evoluzione geomorfologica della piana durante il Pleistocene superiore e l Olocene, sia con i processi litoranei tutt ora in atto.Infatti, l incidenza obliqua del moto ondoso sulla costa vesuviana genera un « pattern » di correnti che trasportano ed accumulano i sedimenti sabbiosi erosi distribuendoli sottoforma di lunghe barre costiere. In tal modo si assiste ad una progradazione della linea di riva controllata dal continuo rifornimento detritico derivante dallo smantellamento del piedimonte vulcanico.I tempi di sviluppo e di accrezione dei cordoni litoranei sono piuttosto variabili, nell ordine di alcune centinaia di anni, in queste aree dove l evoluzione morfodinamica è fortemente controllata dai fattori esogeni,come il vulcanismo.Osservazioni eseguite lungo la costa vesuviana evidenziano che il trasporto dei detriti avviene prevalentemente da NW verso SE. Esso deve essere stato particolarmente efficace nei periodi di maggiore disponibilità di detrito sui versanti sia del piedimonte vulcanico sia, maggiormente, sui rilievi calcarei che bordano la piana del Sarno. Tali periodi possono identificarsi con quelli successivi alle eruzioni vesuviane (in particolare l eruzione delle « Pomici di Avellino » avvenuta nel corso del Bronzo antico e l eruzione cosiddetta « A », databile alla fine dell Età del Bronzo). Questi detriti, attraverso il Sarno, i suoi affluenti ed i corsi d acqua a regime torrentizio che solcano il piedimonte vulcanico venivano recapitati alla zona costiera. Come verificatosi anche in epoca moderna nei pressi della foce del Sarno, in concomitanza della crescita e dell emersione del cordone litoraneo, si andavano individuando nelle zone protette dal moto ondoso aree lagunari allungate parallelamente alla costa che nelle loro parti più interne erano sostituite da stagni costieri. In quest ultima località, una stretta area probabilmente lagunare si spingeva fra il cordone in questione e quello oramai inattivo di Bottaro-Pioppaino.La zona portuale marittima della antica Pompei va con molta probabilità riconosciuta proprio in questo specchio d acqua protetto (Fig. 5) che, tra l altro, si situa molto vicino ai ritrovamenti (Fig. 7), come abbiamo visto, interpretati dagli archeologi come edifici di pertinenza portuale.La continuità del cordone litoraneo che costituiva la linea di riva all epoca dell eruzione del 79 d.C. doveva essere interrotta in corrispondenza della foce del Sarno (da ubicarsi tra Masseria Verusio e Resinaro) e, forse, di altri più piccoli corsi d acqua che solcavano la parte meridionale della piana nella zona stabiese.I sedimenti correlati al livello relativo del mare del 79 d.C., rinvenuti a circa - 4 m rispetto a quello odierno e i dati provenienti da molte zone del Mediterraneo occidentale che indicano, in maniera pressoché certa, che il livello eustatico del mare nel I secolo d.C. (Pirazzoli, 1976; 1977) era al massimo di un metro inferiore all attuale, consentono di dedurre che l area di Pompei ha subito nel corso degli ultimi 19 secoli una subsidenza di almeno tre metri. Essa è stata compensata da un costante accumulo di depositi connessi all attività vulcanica e alla morfodinamica costiera.ViewShow abstract... In particular, we try to reveal how and when the tectonic subsidence was active during the last sea level rise in the study area, also characterized by relevant variation of sediment supply. It is worthy to note that kilometers-thick successions of marine, transitional, and alluvial sediments, besides great numbers of volcanic rocks, filled the accommodation space tectonically created during the Quaternary [9,10]. ...... The Volturno River plain is hosted in a graben-like structure (Figure 1), bordered by high-angle faults with offsets of thousands of meters that run at the foot of carbonate slopes [3,9,11,12]. The absence of Pliocene marine deposits in the deepest boreholes [13] suggests that the plain was above sea level during the late Tertiary [14]. ...... The absence of Pliocene marine deposits in the deepest boreholes [13] suggests that the plain was above sea level during the late Tertiary [14]. During the Quaternary, the tectonic subsidence favored the accommodation of more than 3000 m of both sedimentary deposits and volcanic products [7,9,10]. During the first part of the Late Pleistocene, in fact, the filling of the plain was helped by the onset of volcanic activity from different sources. ...The Subsurface Geology and Landscape Evolution of the Volturno Coastal Plain, Italy: Interplay between Tectonics and Sea-Level Changes during the QuaternaryArticleFull-text availableDec 2020

\"GiuseppeGiuseppe Corrado

\"SabrinaSabrina Amodio

\"PietroPietro Aucelli

\"MarcelloMarcello SchiattarellaThe Volturno alluvial-coastal plain is a relevant feature of the Tyrrhenian side of southern Italy. Its plan-view squared shape is due to Pliocene-Quaternary block-faulting of the western flank of the south-Apennines chain. On the basis of the stratigraphic analysis of almost 700 borehole logs and new geomorphological survey, an accurate paleoenvironmental reconstruction before and after the Campania Ignimbrite (CI; about 40 ky B.P.) eruption is here presented. Tectonics and eustatic forcing have been both taken into account to completely picture the evolution of the coastal plain during Late Quaternary times. The upper Pleistocene-Holocene infill of the Volturno plain has been here reorganized in a new stratigraphic framework, which includes seven depositional units. Structural analysis showed that two sets of faults displaced the CI, so accounting for recent tectonic activity. Yet Late Quaternary tectonics is rather mild, as evidenced by the decametric vertical separations operated by those faults. The average slip rate, which would represent the tectonic subsidence rate of the plain, is about 0.5 mm/yr. A grid of cross sections shows the stratigraphic architecture which resulted from interactions among eustatic changes, tectonics and sedimentary input variations. On the basis of boreholes analysis, the trend of the CI roof was reconstructed. An asymmetrical shape of its ancient morphology-with a steeper slope toward the northwest border-and the lack of coincidence between the present course of the Volturno River and the main buried bedrock incision, are significant achievements of this study. Finally, the morpho-evolutionary path of the Volturno plain has been discussed.ViewShow abstract... The tectonic dislocations, characterized by a strike-slip component on a regional scale (Schiattarella 1998) have controlled the tectonic superimposition of the Bulgheria-Verbicaro Unit on the Crete Nere Formation. This formation outcrops in tectonic contact with the Alburno-Cervati unit ( Campania-Lucania carbonate platform Auct.); (D Argenio et al. 1973); (Ippolito et al. 1975), cropping out on the right side of the valley. The Alburno-Cervati unit is mainly composed of calcilutites and calcarenites, Cretaceous in age, and of grey calcilutites and calcarenites with Alveolinae and Spirolinae, with intercalations of green and red marls of the Trentinara Formation (Selli 1962). ...... Complimentary Contributor Copy reference to the stratigraphic relationships between the Meso-Cenozoic acoustic basement and the Quaternary basin filling. Deep exploration wells in Campania and Latium of the Tyrrhenian margin (Ippolito et al. 1975); (Ortolani and Aprile 1978 ) have supplied lithostratigraphic data that have been used to define the commercial seismic profiles. The stratigraphic and structural data collected in the Volturno basin have been compared with commercial seismic data of Zone E (AGIP), with particular attention to the Terracina and Gaeta basins, which are examples of half-graben basins and are located on the Campania- Latium Tyrrhenian margin (Aiello et al. 2000). ...The stratigraphic setting of continental shelves of Southern ItalyChapterFull-text availableOct 2014

\"GemmaGemma AielloView... Numerous normal faults, which have NW-SE or NE-SW trends, reused and conceal the pre-existing kinematic features. The Garigliano graben (Ippolito et al. 1973;Cosentino et al. 2006), which hosts the Roccamonfina volcanic edifice, is the most important element generated by the normal faulting and well highlighted by the MND-6 seismic lines in Fig. 2e Hydrogeol J (2017) 25:1811-1832 1813 (AGIP-DIMI 1968). The graben has a width of 10 km, separating the carbonate structures of the Eastern Aurunci Mts. from the Massico Mt. ...... The E-W fault (Fig. 6) is a reactivation of a compressional tectonic element, well exhibited in the Formia plain (Naso and Tallini 1993). The NE-SW fault (Fig. 6) is related to the opening of the Garigliano graben (Ippolito et al. 1973;Cosentino et al. 2006) and the NW-SE fault is its conjugate, being reactivated along the Eastern Aurunci thrust front. The Garigliano graben is a low-stand sector, whereby the carbonate stratigraphic succession is defined to 1,000 m below sea level, and its bottom is delimited by metamorphic or lower crustal rocks from depths of about 4,000-5,000 m (Nunziata and Gerecitano 2012). ...A hydrogeological conceptual model of the Suio hydrothermal area (central Italy)ArticleMar 2017

\"MicheleMichele Saroli

\"MicheleMichele Lancia

\"MatteoMatteo Albano

\"MarcoMarco Dell’IsolaA hydrogeological conceptual model has been developed that describes the hydrothermal system of Suio Terme (central Italy). The studied area is located along the peri-Tyrrhenian zone of the central Apennines, between the Mesozoic and Cenozoic carbonate platform sequences of the Aurunci Mountains and the volcanic sequences of the Roccamonfina. A multi-disciplinary approach was followed, using new hydrogeological surveys, the interpretation of stratigraphic logs of boreholes and water wells, and geophysical data—seismic sections, shear-wave velocity (Vs) crustal model and gravimetric model. The collected information allowed for construction of a conceptual hydrogeological model and characterization of the hydrothermal system. The Suio hydrothermal system is strongly influenced by the Eastern Aurunci hydrostructure. Along the southeastern side, the top of the hydrostructure sinks to −1,000 m relative to sea level via a series of normal faults which give origin to the Garigliano graben. Geological and hydrogeological data strongly suggest the propagation and mixing of hot fluids, with cold waters coming from the shallow karst circuit. The aquitard distribution, the normal tectonic displacements and the fracturing of the karst hydrostructure strongly influence the hydrothermal basin. Carbon dioxide and other gasses play a key role in the whole circuit, facilitating the development of the hydrothermal system. The current level of knowledge suggests that the origin of the Suio hydrothermalism is the result of interaction between the carbonate reservoir of the Eastern Aurunci Mountains and the hot and deep crust of this peri-Tyrrhenian sector, where the Roccamonfina volcano represents the shallowest expression.ViewShow abstract... L origine della Piana Campana è legata allo sprofondamento del margine tirrenico della catena appenninica avvenuto nel corso del Pleistocene inferiore e medio (Brancaccio et al., 1991;Cinque et al., 1993Cinque et al., , 2000 lungo lineamenti tettonici orientati NW-SE, NE-SW ed E-W. La subsidenza tettonica che ha interessato la Piana Campana ha portato le unità meso-cenozoiche appenniniche a profondità molto elevate ed ha determinato un potente accumulo di sedimenti quaternari, di ambiente marino, transazionale e continentale (principalmente depositi alluvionali e piroclastici), che, in particolare, nella Piana del Volturno raggiungono lo spessore di almeno 3000 m (Ortolani e Torre, 1981), come testimoniano i sondaggi profondi che hanno esplorato il sottosuolo della Piana senza mai incontrare il tetto del substrato pre-Quaternario (Ippolito et al., 1973;Ortolani e Aprile, 1978). Tale subsidenza tettonica ha interessato la Piana del Volturno a partire dal Pleistocene inferiore ed è perdurata almeno fino alla prima parte del Pleistocene superiore, favorendo l invasione della Piana da parte del mare, fino alla sua completa sommersione, come testimoniano i potenti spessori di sedimenti marini rinvenuti nei sondaggi profondi. ...... Anche questa depressione si è individuata ad opera della tettonica estensionale che ha interessato il margine tirrenico della catena appenninica a partire dal Pliocene -Pleistocene inferiore ed è stata soggetta a subsidenza tettonica a partire dal Pleistocene inferiore. In questa Piana, tuttavia, il ribassamento delle unità meso-cenozoiche del substrato è stato di minore entità rispetto a quello che ha interessato il settore della Piana del Volturno, consentendo un più basso accumulo di sedimenti nel corso del Quaternario, come testimonia lo spessore (minore di 700 m) dei sedimenti di tale età, attraversati in un sondaggio profondo che ha esplorato il sottosuolo della Piana (Ippolito et al., 1973). In particolare, da questo sondaggio è emerso che il riempimento quaternario della Piana fino alla profondità di 80 m è costituito da depositi continentali rappresentati da alluvioni e piroclastiti; da 80 a 700 m sono, invece, presenti depositi di ambiente di transizione con condizioni di acqua prevalentemente salmastra, ed episodicamente depositi francamente marini. ...I paesaggi del Basso Volturno.ChapterFull-text availableMay 2014

\"PietroPietro Aucelli

\"FrancescaFrancesca Filocamo

\"NataliaNatalia Leone

\"AntonioAntonio P. LeoneView... The Volturno Basin area displays here four seismic units (Fig. 9). Lithologies of seismic units have been qualitatively calibrated using the litho-stratigraphic data of the Castelvolturno 2 exploration well (Ippolito et al. 1973) and the onshore seismic section of Mariani and Prato (1988). ...... The overlying seismic unit (D2 in Fig. 9), with moderate amplitudes and marked lateral continuity reflectors, has been interpreted as Pleistocene marine and deltaic sediments. This interpretation is supported both by the lithostratigraphic data of the Castelvolturno 2 deep borehole (Ippolito et al. 1973) and by the onshore seismic sections in the Volturno plain (Mariani and Prato 1988). The onshore sections suggest the occurrence of a seismic unit composed of discontinuous reflectors with high amplitude and sigmoidal patterns, composed of alternating deltaic sands and shales, Pleistocene in age. ...New insights on seismic stratigraphy of the Campania continental marginArticleFull-text availableOct 2011

\"GemmaGemma Aiello

\"VincenzoVincenzo Di FioreView... The vertical ground displacement recorded by the key points describes a general pattern of uplift with an average vertical rate of v r = 7 mm/year (Figure 3), which is approximately 4 times larger in its absolute value than the rate of subsidence (À2 mm/year) of the Campanian Plain during the Plio-Quaternary (Ippolito et al., 1973). Figure 3 reports periods of volcanic activity (segments marked by Epochs 1, E2, and E3), which are separated by periods of relative quiescence, according to Smith et al. (2011). ...... After the 5.5-3.8 ka phase of surface doming, a long-standing period of volcanic rest is associated with the subsidence of the crust, lasting up to the Classic Age with a mean subsidence rate (~14 mm/year) that is 7 times higher than the volcano-tectonic subsidence rate (À2 mm/year; Ippolito et al., 1973;Luongo et al., 1991) as well as that recorded following the 1538 eruption ( Figure 4). ...Complex Dome Growth at Campi Flegrei Caldera (Italy) in the Last 15 kaArticleFull-text availableSep 2018

\"AldoAldo Marturano

\"RobertoRoberto Isaia

\"GiuseppeGiuseppe Aiello

\"DianaDiana BarraThe Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy) is an active volcanic system characterized by significant long- and short-term ground deformation phenomena ranging the maxima values in the central sector of the caldera, where La Starza marine terrace is located. A detailed study of the La Starza provided crucial clues for understanding the resurgence of the central sector of the caldera following the 15-ka Neapolitan Yellow Tuff eruption. The doming of the caldera floor, marked by two primary episodes of uplift, began soon after the collapse of about 110 m following the eruption. The first doming (15–9.2 ka) occurred as a response to loss of lithostatic loading producing magma influx, possibly regulated by thermal magmatic convection and chaotic movement inside the magma reservoir under the caldera. The calculated ~90 m of structural uplift is the persistent displacement correlated with magma volumes intruded accompanying the contemporaneous volcanic activity. The second episode of uplift (5.5–3.8 ka) produced a ground deformation pattern similar to that measured during recent unrest crises suggesting a stable and shallow (~4-km deep) source of strain like a sill in an elastic half space. By this geometry and inversion of surface deformation, the volume of intruded material was determined. Simply varying pressure history as input, the time history of the surface deformation was reproduced by using spherical source geometry with a concentric viscoelastic shell 8-km deep. The satisfactory comparison between the two models is a useful indication for interpreting the current unrest phase at the Campi Flegrei caldera.ViewShow abstract... Numerous normal faults, which have NW-SE or NE-SW trends, reused and conceal the pre-existing kinematic features. The Garigliano graben (Ippolito et al. 1973;Cosentino et al. 2006), which hosts the Roccamonfina volcanic edifice, is the most important element generated by the normal faulting and well highlighted by the MND-6 seismic lines in Fig. 2e Hydrogeol J (2017) 25:1811-1832 1813 (AGIP-DIMI 1968). The graben has a width of 10 km, separating the carbonate structures of the Eastern Aurunci Mts. from the Massico Mt. ...... The E-W fault (Fig. 6) is a reactivation of a compressional tectonic element, well exhibited in the Formia plain (Naso and Tallini 1993). The NE-SW fault (Fig. 6) is related to the opening of the Garigliano graben (Ippolito et al. 1973;Cosentino et al. 2006) and the NW-SE fault is its conjugate, being reactivated along the Eastern Aurunci thrust front. The Garigliano graben is a low-stand sector, whereby the carbonate stratigraphic succession is defined to 1,000 m below sea level, and its bottom is delimited by metamorphic or lower crustal rocks from depths of about 4,000-5,000 m (Nunziata and Gerecitano 2012). ...A hydrogeological conceptual model of the Suio hydrothermal area (central Italy)ArticleFull-text availableAug 2017HYDROGEOL J

\"MicheleMichele Saroli

\"MicheleMichele Lancia

\"MatteoMatteo Albano

\"MarcoMarco Dell’IsolaA hydrogeological conceptual model has been developed that describes the hydrothermal system of SuioTerme (central Italy).ViewShow abstract... Numerous normal faults, which have NW-SE or NE-SW trends, reused and conceal the pre-existing kinematic features. The Garigliano graben (Ippolito et al. 1973;Cosentino et al. 2006), which hosts the Roccamonfina volcanic edifice, is the most important element generated by the normal faulting and well highlighted by the MND-6 seismic lines in The main stratigraphic and tectonic constraints of the studied area: a stratigraphic log of the Cellole-Aurunci 1 well (redrawn from Cosentino et al. 2006); b stratigraphic log of the Mondragone 1 well (redrawn from Cosentino et al. 2006); c stratigraphic log of the Gallo 85-1 well (simplified from Watts 1987); d stratigraphic log of the San Giorgio 1 well (simplified from PETREX 1996); e MND-6 seismic line across the Cellole Aurunci and Mondragone 1 well (modified from Cosentino et al. 2006) (AGIP-DIMI 1968). The graben has a width of 10 km, separating the carbonate structures of the Eastern Aurunci Mts. from the Massico Mt. ...... The E-W fault (Fig. 6) is a reactivation of a compressional tectonic element, well exhibited in the Formia plain (Naso and Tallini 1993). The NE-SW fault (Fig. 6) is related to the opening of the Garigliano graben (Ippolito et al. 1973;Cosentino et al. 2006) and the NW-SE fault is its conjugate, being reactivated along the Eastern Aurunci thrust front. The Garigliano graben is a low-stand sector, whereby the carbonate stratigraphic succession is defined to 1,000 m below sea level, and its bottom is delimited by metamorphic or lower crustal rocks from depths of about 4,000-5,000 m (Nunziata and Gerecitano 2012). ...A Double Scale Methodology to Investigate Flow in Karst Fractured Media via Numerical Analysis: The Cassino Plain Case Study (Central Apennine, Italy)ArticleFull-text availableJan 2018GEOFLUIDS

\"MarcoMarco Petitta

\"MicheleMichele Lancia

\"MicheleMichele SaroliA methodology to evaluate the hydraulic conductivity of the karst media at a regional scale has been proposed, combining pumping tests and the hydrostructural approach, evaluating the hydraulic conductivity of fractured rocks at the block scale. Obtaining hydraulic conductivity values, calibrated at a regional scale, a numerical flow model of the Cassino area has been developed, to validate the methodology and investigate the ambiguity, related to a nonunique hydrogeological conceptual model. The Cassino plain is an intermontane basin with outstanding groundwater resources. The plain is surrounded by karst hydrostructures that feed the Gari Springs and Peccia Springs. Since the 1970s, the study area was the object of detailed investigations with an exceptional density of water-wells and piezometers, representing one of the most important karst study-sites in central-southern Italy. Application of the proposed methodology investigates the hydraulic conductivity tensor at local and regional scales, reawakening geological and hydrogeological issues of a crucial area and tackling the limits of the continuum modelling in karst media.ViewShow abstract... The Mara 01 well displays the juxtaposition of Upper Triassic-Jurassic carbonates and Miocene sandstones onto Paleocene-Eocene limestones ( Figure 2d). The Cellole-Aurunci 01 well shows tectonically deformed Messinian-lower Pliocene sandstones, claystones, and conglomerates with vertical attitude (Ippolito et al., 1973) that are unconformably overlain by undeformed Quaternary sands, shales, and conglomerates ( Figure 2d). ...... Massico area; Accordi, 1966; Figure 15c). Ippolito et al. (1973) interpreted the vertical beds of Messinian-Pliocene deposits in the Cellole-Aurunci 01 well as the result of a Pliocene compressional phase (Figure 2d). In addition, Vitale et al. (2017) suggested a Pliocene out-of-sequence thrusting in the Capri Island and Lattari Mts. ...Development of an Intrawedge Tectonic Mélange by Out-of-Sequence Thrusting, Buttressing, and Intraformational Rheological Contrast, Mt. Massico Ridge, Apennines, ItalyArticleFeb 2019TECTONICSLuca Smeraglia

\"LucaLuca Aldega

\"AndreaAndrea Billi

\"GianlucaGianluca VignaroliThe Mt. Massico ridge (central-southern Apennines, Italy) is characterized by a ~150 m thick tectonic mélange located at the base of a Tortonian-lower Messinian heterogeneous clastic succession consisting of layered sandstones, limestones, marls, and claystones with intercalated mass wasting deposits and isolated olistoliths, which deposited above Meso-Cenozoic limestones. Geological mapping and structural analyses, integrated with illite/smectite paleothermal indicators and U-Pb dating of syn-tectonic calcite veins and slickenfibers, allowed us to unravel: (1) the tectonic evolution of the Mt. Massico ridge and (2) the development of the intra-wedge tectonic mélange in the framework of the Apennine accretionary wedge evolution. Results show that after thrusting and folding of Meso-Cenozoic limestones during late Tortonian times (7.0 ± 1.6 Ma), late Messinian-early Pliocene out-of-sequence thrusting (5.1 ± 3.7 Ma) juxtaposed ~3,300 m thick, imbricate thrust sheets above the Tortonian-lower Messinian clastic succession. During out-of-sequence thrusting, the base of the weak clastic deposits acted as a décollement horizon due to the rheological contrast and mechanical buttress with the underlying competent Mesozoic-Cenozoic limestones. Heterogeneous deformation along the base of the clastic succession was accomodated by ductile pressure-solution of claystones and marls, by brittle stratal disruption and fracturing/veining of competent olistoliths and primary foliation (i.e. sandstones and limestones strata), thus leading to the development of a tectonic mélange. The compressional phase was followed by extensional tectonics after the late Pliocene (minimum age 2.85 ± 0.5 Ma). We conclude that out-of-sequence thrusting, buttressing, and intraformational rheological contrast can be fundamental factors for the development of intra-wedge tectonic mélange.ViewShow abstract... From a tectonic point of view, Somma-Vesuvius is located at the intersection of two main northwest-southeast and northeast-southwest oriented regional fault systems (Fig. 1b;Ippolito et al., 1973;Pescatore and Sgrosso, 1973;Acocella and Funiciello, 2006;Principe et al., 2010). These two directions have been retrieved also from statistical analysis of fault planes at the scale of the edifice (Bianco et al., 1998), and from the eruptive fissures affecting the volcano flanks (Tadini et al., 2017) and the dykes cutting the Somma caldera walls (Marinoni, 1995). ...The buried caldera boundary of the Vesuvius 1631 eruption revealed by present-day soil CO2 concentrationArticleMar 2019J VOLCANOL GEOTH RES

\"MatthieuMatthieu Poret

\"AnthonyAnthony Finizola

\"TullioTullio Ricci

\"GiovanniGiovanni OrsiVolcanic risk at Vesuvius is one of the highest in the world due to the ~670,000 inhabitants living in the Red Zone, the area exposed to both pyroclastic flows and tephra fallout, to be evacuated before renewal of any eruptive activity. The national emergency plan for Vesuvius builds its risk zonation on a scenario similar to the last sub-Plinian eruption, which occurred in 1631. This study aims at providing new insights on the geometry of the caldera associated with this historical eruption. The impact of past Vesuvius eruptions on present-day soil CO2 concentration has been investigated by means of an extended geochemical survey carried out for identifying the circulation pathways of hydrothermal fluids inside the volcano. We performed 4018 soil CO2 concentration measurements over the whole Somma-Vesuvius volcanic complex, covering an area of 50 km2. Besides relatively low values, the results show a significant spatial CO2 concentration heterogeneity over Somma-Vesuvius ranging from the atmospheric value (~400 ppm) up to ~24,140 ppm. The summit of Vesuvius shows an area with anomalous CO2 concentrations well matching the crater rim of the 1906 eruption. Along the cone flanks, secondary CO2 anomalies highlight a roughly circular preferential pathway detected along 8 radial profiles at distances between ~840 m and ~1150 m from the bottom of the present-day crater resulting from the last eruption in 1944. In depth review of the available literature highlights an agreement between this circle-like shaped anomaly and the 1631 sub-Plinian eruption caldera boundary. Indeed, based on the historical chronicles the depression produced by the 1631 eruption had a diameter of 1686m, whereas the CO2 circular anomaly indicates a diameter of 1956 m. Finally, the results were compared with a 3-D density model obtained from a recent gravity survey that corroborates both the literature and the CO2 data in terms of potential buried structure at the base of the Vesuvius cone.ViewShow abstract... The thick volcanic sequences come from the activity of the Campania s three main volcanoes, namely Roccamonfina, Campi Flegrei and Somma-Vesuvius (Ippolito et al. 1973;Scandone et al. 1991;De Vivo 2006;Orsi et al. 1996). The shallower deposits (10-15 m thick) are mainly made up of ash and volcanic sand, with pumice intercalations, due to eruptions attributed to the Campi Flegrei and Somma-Vesuvius in the last 17,000 years (De Vivo et al. 2001). ...Analysis of a database for anthropogenic sinkhole triggering and zonation in the Naples hinterland (Southern Italy)ArticleFull-text availableApr 2018Nat Hazards

\"PaoloPaolo Maria Guarino

\"AntonioAntonio Santo

\"GiovanniGiovanni Forte

\"DanielaDaniela Maria Antonia NiceforoAnthropogenic sinkholes are generally due to the collapse of man-made underground caves and represent a major threat, especially in urban contexts, where they could cause damage to people, buildings and lifelines. The hinterland of Naples (Campania, Southern Italy) is one of the most urbanized areas of Italy and is historically affected by frequent sinkhole phenomena. This study analyzes a database of both man-made caves and sinkholes collected by the authors over several years. The aim is to comprehend the predisposing and triggering factors of sinkholes in order to attempt a zonation of occurrence. The predisposing factor resulted to be the presence of a preexisting network of caves within the Campanian Ignimbrite tuff and their geometric features. Generally, the shallower the depth of the chamber roof and the lower the thickness of the vault, the higher is the frequency of sinkholes. Furthermore, an intrinsic fragility is represented by the access shafts of vertical wells, usually filled in and abandoned. Meanwhile, the main triggering mechanism identified consists in saturation of the subsoil, due to water leaks coming from buried sewage and water pipelines. The macrozonation of sinkhole occurrence shows that the highest class is achieved where the tuff is shallow and both man-made caves and historical sinkholes are present.ViewShow abstract... The Early Pleistocene marks the onset of NW-SE extension and tectonic subsidence of the Campania Plain-Napoli Bay basin, whereas a following phase (Middle Pleistocene in age) mainly resulted in NE-SW extension. Normal faults associated with these two phases were later reactivated during the Late Pleistocene-Holocene and caused either subsidence or tectonic uplift, especially in areas affected by volcano-tectonic deformation [106][107][108][109][110][111][112]. ...Integrated Morpho-Bathymetric, Seismic-Stratigraphic, and Sedimentological Data on the Dohrn Canyon (Naples Bay, Southern Tyrrhenian Sea): Relationships with Volcanism and TectonicsArticleFull-text availableAug 2020Marina Iorio

\"FlaviaFlavia Molisso

\"MarcoMarco Sacchi

\"GemmaGemma AielloSubmarine canyons are geomorphologic lineaments engraving the slope/outer shelf ofcontinental margins. These features are often associated with significant geologic hazard when they develop close to densely populated coastal zones. The seafloor of Naples Bay is deeply cut by two incisions characterized by a dense network of gullies, namely the Dohrn and Magnaghi canyons, which develop from the shelf break of the Campania margin, down to the peripheral rise of the Eastern Tyrrhenian bathyal plain. Seismic-stratigraphic interpretation of multichannel seismic reflection profiles has shown that quaternary tectonics and recent to active volcanism have exerted a significant control on the morphological evolution and source-to sink depositional processes of theDohrn and Magnaghi submarine canyons. The Dohrn canyon is characterized by relatively steep walls hundreds of meters high, which incise a Middle-Late Pleistocene prograding wedge, formed by clastic and volcaniclastic deposits associated with the paleo-Sarno river system during the Mid-Late Pleistocene. The formation of the Dohrn canyon predates the onset of the volcanic eruption of the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff (NYT), an ignimbrite deposit of ca. 15 ka that represents the bedrock on which the town of Napoli is built. Integrated stratigraphic analysis of high-resolution seismic profiles andmarine gravity core data (C74_12) collected along the flanks of the eastern bifurcation of the head of Dohrn Canyon suggests that depositional processes along the canyon flanks are dominated by gravity flows (e.g., fine-grained turbidites, debris flows) and sediment mass transport associated with slope instability and failure.ViewShow abstract... The structural framework of sedimentary basins along the Tyrrhenian margin of Campania and their regional subsidence have been intensively studied based both on field geology and on offshore and onshore seismic and well data (D Argenio et al., 1973;Finetti and Morelli, 1973;Ippolito et al., 1973;Ortolani and Aprile, 1978;Fabbri et al., 1981;Bartole et al., 1983;Bartole, 1984;Trincardi and Zitellini, 1987;Mariani and Prato, 1988). Nonetheless, the lack of deep geothermal wells in the Gulf of Naples makes the reconstruction of the age of basin formation and the chronological calibration of seismic sequences filling the basin more complex. ...Buried volcanic structures in the Gulf of NaplesArticleFull-text availableFeb 2005

\"GemmaGemma AielloIn this paper we present a correlation between volcanic structures and magnetic anomalies in the Gulf of Naples(Southern Tyrrhenian Sea) based on high resolution magnetic profiling. A densely spaced grid of magnetic pro�files coupled with multichannel seismics (seismic source Watergun 15 cubic inch) was recorded in the Gulf ofNaples, representing an active volcanic area during the Late Quaternary (volcanic centers of Somma-Vesuvius,Phlegraean Fields and Ischia and Procida islands). The dataset was collected during the oceanographic cruiseGMS00-05 which took place during October-November 2000 in the South Tyrrhenian Sea onboard of the R/VUrania (National Research Council, Italy). Shallow volcanic structures in the subsurface of the gulf were recog�nized by seismo-stratigraphic analysis of high resolution profiles; the volcanic nature of some of these structureswas inferred identifying the magnetic anomalies on a high resolution magnetic anomaly map of the gulf. Evenif qualitative, the correlations between seismic and magnetic profiles allow us to better assess the geologicalstructure of the Gulf of Naples.ViewShow abstract... The intermittent behavior of the seismic activity in the deepest volume is probably due to a relation with the dynamics of the hydrothermal system: the pore pressure within the hydrothermal system can be perturbed by episodes of fluid injection that essentially influence the stress field pattern in the bottom-volume (Figures 5, 6; Chiodini et al., 2001;D Auria et al., 2014a). The B values associated to stress inversion in the bottom volume show that for the 1-and 3-km depth-slices the three principal stresses Ippolito et al., 1973;Di Vito et al., 1999;Lavecchia et al., 2003;Acocella and Funiciello, 2006;Milia et al., 2013;Vitale and Isaia, 2013;D Auria et al., 2014a,b, and referencer therein. are well defined (overall, 0.3 B 0.5). ...Determining the Stress Field in Active Volcanoes Using Focal MechanismsArticleFull-text availableNov 2016

\"BrunoBruno Massa

\"LucaLuca D Auria

\"ElenaElena Cristiano

\"AdaAda De MatteoStress inversion of seismological datasets became an essential tool to retrieve the stress field of active tectonics and volcanic areas. In particular, in volcanic areas, it is able to put constrains on volcano-tectonics and in general in a better understanding of the volcano dynamics. During the last decades, a wide range of stress inversion techniques has been proposed, some of them specifically conceived to manage seismological datasets. A modern technique of stress inversion, the BRTM, has been applied to seismological datasets available at three different regions of active volcanism: Mt. Somma-Vesuvius (197 Fault Plane Solutions, FPSs), Campi Flegrei (217 FPSs) and Long Valley Caldera (38,000 FPSs). The key role of stress inversion techniques in the analysis of the volcano dynamics has been critically discussed. A particular emphasis was devoted to performances of the BRTM applied to volcanic areas.ViewShow abstract... According to the well analysis, unit U3 can be correlated with the Pliocene deposits drilled by almost all of the wells, which found a succession made in general of interbedded clays and sands, locally with intercalated conglomerates; these more coarse-grained sediments are detected on the seismic lines by stronger and less organized reflections. Depositional environment is marine, infralittoral according to Ippolito et al. [1973]. In some portions of the seismic lines normal faults with limited (or null, for seismic resolution) offset are detected in this unit, as well as evidence of folding ( Figure 7a); this highlights tectonic activity during the deposition of this unit. ...Transfer zones in an oblique back-arc basin setting: Insights from the Latium-Campania segmented margin (Tyrrhenian Sea)ArticleJan 2017TECTONICS

\"AlessiaAlessia Conti

\"SabinaSabina BigiMarco CuffaroGiovanni BortoluzziNew multichannel seismic reflection profiles were acquired to unravel the structure of a portion of the eastern margin of the Tyrrhenian basin. This extensional feature is part of an Oligocene to Present back-arc basin in the hangingwall of the W-directed Apennines subduction system. The basin provides excellent conditions to investigate the early stage processes leading to the development of rifted passive margins and to the emplacement of oceanic crust in an oblique setting. The interpreted post-stack migrated seismic profiles highlight the geometry and kinematics of the Pontine escarpment that connects the Latium-Campania continental margin to the Vavilov basin. The latter is the main feature of the area, related to the Early Pliocene extension of the Tyrrhenian Sea. Several morphological variations are pointed out along strike, mirroring different structural settings of the margin itself: a steeper margin to the north corresponds to high-angle possibly transtensional faults, whereas a smooth slope in the southern portion corresponds to several more distributed listric faults. This work contributes to the understanding of the interplay between extensional and transtensional tectonics along the margins of an oblique back-arc basin.ViewShow abstract... The Campania Plain is part of a large extensional sedimentary basin mostly formed during the Quaternary between the western flank of the southern Apennines and the eastern Tyrrhenian margin (Ippolito et al., 1973;Mariani and Prato, 1988;Patacca et al., 1990;Ferranti et al., 1996;Casciello et al., 2006;Di Nocera et al., 2011;Matano et al., 2014, among others) ( Fig. 9.2). ...Effect of paleomorphology on facies distribution of the Campania Ignimbrite in the northern Campania Plain, southern ItalyChapterOct 2019

\"DanielaDaniela Ruberti

\"MarcoMarco VigliottiRoberto RolandiMassimo Di LascioThe Campania Ignimbrite eruption (CI – 39 ka) is of the most explosive super-eruptions of the last 200 ka in Europe, that generated about 250-300 km3 of ignimbrite deposit venting from fissural faults of the Campania Plain, southern Italy. The pyroclastic deposits associated to this event show different lithofacies from the vent to the medial-distal part reflecting changing in style of deposition and/or palaeo-environmental setting. Based on some 1000 stratigraphic well logs and previous studies, a qualitative restoration was made of the morphology of the Campania Plain, prior to the CI eruption. According to our interpretation, from the proximal area towards NNW, four main palaeogeographic domains can be recognized, which conditioned the medial/distal distribution of the CI lithofacies and their depositional and early diagenetic environments across the plain.ViewShow abstract... The island of Ischia is part of the Phlegraean volcanic district, which is framed in the Tyrrhenian volcanism. This volcanism, in turn, is related to extensional tectonic phases that accompanied the anticlockwise rotation of the Italian peninsula, during the complex interaction between the Africa and Eurasian plates (Ippolito et al. 1973;D Argenio et al. 1973;Finetti and Morelli 1974;Bartole 1984;Piochi et al. 2004). Along the Tyrrhenian margin, extension was accommodated by the activation of NW-SE normal faults and NE-SW normal to strike-slip transfer faultsystems, which allowed magmas to reach the surface, feeding volcanism (Mariani and Prato 1988;Faccenna et al. 1994;Acocella and Funiciello 2006). ...Multiple natural hazards at volcanic islands: a review for the Ischia volcano (Italy)ArticleFull-text availableJul 2019Jacopo Selva

\"ValerioValerio Acocella

\"MarinaMarina Bisson

\"ChiaraChiara CardaciAbstract Volcanic islands pose several major types of natural hazards, often interconnected and concentrated in relatively small areas. The quantification of these hazards must be framed from a multi-hazard perspective whilst building on existing single-hazard analyses. Ischia is a densely inhabited volcanic island with a long eruptive history lasting more than 150 ka (last in 1302 AD) characterized by the significant asymmetric resurgence of a caldera block. Here, we review the state-of-art of the natural hazards of Ischia, aiming at building a solid base for future holistic multi-hazard quantifications. We frame our analysis in three steps: i) review of geological, historical and current activity; ii) review of available hazard models and analyses; iii) development of an interpretative framework for the interdependent hazards. The results highlight that volcanic activity has been quite intense and many volcano-related hazardous phenomena have affected the island including in very recent times, both for eruptive (phreatic or magmatic eruptions) and non-eruptive (earthquakes, landslides, and tsunamis) phenomena. The effects of some of them (e.g. tsunamis, tephra) are also relevant beyond the island territory. Quantitative hazard assessments are almost absent and should be developed in the future considering the evident interconnections between hazards. To this end, we propose a conceptual interpretative multi-hazard framework that highlights the fundamental role played by the resurgent block in controlling and connecting the different hazards, in terms of both spatial distribution of the sources and temporal clustering.ViewShow abstract... Since the late Tortonian, shortening coexisted with extension leading to formation of the Tyrrhenian back-arc basin (Malinverno and Ryan, 1986;Patacca et al., 1990;Sartori, 1990). Extension affected the Tyrrhenian margin of the chain with formation, since the Early Pleistocene, of peri-Tyrrhenian grabens and related coastal plains (Ippolito et al., 1973;Moussat et al., 1986;Sartori, 1990;Brancaccio et al., 1991). Within the chain, formation of several intramontane depressions took place. ...Evolution of the late Quaternary San Gregorio Magno tectono-karstic basin (southern Italy) inferred from geomorphological, tephrostratigraphical and paleoecological analyses: tectonic implicationsConference PaperFull-text availableApr 2006

\"GiuseppeGiuseppe Aiello

\"AlessandraAlessandra Ascione

\"FabioFabio Villani

\"DianaDiana BarraView... L isola di Ischia fa parte del distretto vulcanico flegreo che comprende anche l isola di Procida e i Campi Flegrei (Figure 1,2), formatosi in risposta al processo estensionale risalente al Pliocene-Quaternario che ha generato il graben della piana campana lungo il margine tirrenico della fascia appenninica [Ippolito et al. 1973;D Argenio et al. 1973;Finetti e Morelli, 1974;Bartole, 1984;Piochi et al. 2005;de Vita et al. 2009] e rappresenta la porzione subaerea di un campo vulcanico, situato all incrocio di sistemi di faglie regionali ad andamento appenninico NO-SE ed antiappenninico NE-SO [Acocella and Funiciello, 1999], che risale di oltre 1000 m dal fondale marino [Bruno et al. 2002]. La morfologia dell isola d Ischia è dominata dal M. Epomeo (787 m s.l.m.) situato in posizione centrale e dall allineamento NE-SO di M. Vezzi -M. ...Geodetic surveillance of the ischia island: Results of the precision levelling performed in June 2010ArticleFull-text availableFeb 2011

\"CarloCarlo Del GaudioL. Aquino

\"CiroCiro Ricco

\"ClaudioClaudio SerioThis paper are shown the results obtained from Geometric High Precision Levelling survey performed at Ischia Island in June 2010. The measures have been carried out on the whole network of the island further expanded by increasing of the benchmarks and the establishment of new lines. The compensated height for each benchmark (Bm) are referred to Bm 1 located at Ischia harbour, were compared to those obtained in previous Levelling survey of 2003. The results show significant ground subsidence of different entities affecting various areas of the island. In addition, a further comparison with the measurements performed in 1987 confirms the existence of such differential movements characterised by subsidence velocity constant over time. At last, we found a good agreement between levelling and GPS velocities, calculated in time span 1997-2003.ViewShow abstract... The intermittent behavior of the seismic activity in the deepest volume is probably due to a relation with the dynamics of the hydrothermal system: the pore pressure within the hydrothermal system can be perturbed by episodes of fluid injection that essentially influence the stress field pattern in the bottom-volume (Figures 5, 6; Chiodini et al., 2001;D Auria et al., 2014a). The B values associated to stress inversion in the bottom volume show that for the 1-and 3-km depth-slices the three principal stresses Ippolito et al., 1973;Di Vito et al., 1999;Lavecchia et al., 2003;Acocella and Funiciello, 2006;Milia et al., 2013;Vitale and Isaia, 2013;D Auria et al., 2014a,b, and referencer therein. are well defined (overall, 0.3 B 0.5). ...Editorial: Stress Field Control of Eruption DynamicsArticleJul 2017Roberto Sulpizio

\"AntonioAntonio CostaGeoff WadgeView... The formation of this district is related to the ascent of magma along the Tyrrhenian margin of the Apennine chain during the Plio-Pleistocene extensional phase that generated the Campanian plain graben ( Orsi et al., 2003). The Campanian plain graben formed along NWSE normal fault and conjugated NESW transfer faults ( Ippolito et al., 1973). Volcanic activity at Ischia Island began prior to 150 ka ( Vezzoli, 1988) and continued until the beginning of the 14 th century (the Arso lava flow in 1302 A.D.). ...Gravitational slope-deformation of a resurgent caldera: New insights from the mechanical behaviour of Mt. Nuovo tuffs (Ischia Island, Italy)ArticleJul 2017J VOLCANOL GEOTH RES

\"GianGian Marco Marmoni

\"SalvatoreSalvatore Martino

\"M.M. J. Heap

\"T.T. ReuschléIschia Island (Italy) is an impressive example of the rare phenomenon of caldera resurgence. The emplacement and replenishment of magmas at shallow depth resulted in a vertical uplift of about 900 m, concentrated in the western portion of Mt. Epomeo (789 m a.s.l.). As a consequence of this uplift, the island has experienced several slope instabilities at different scales since the Holocene, from shallow mass movements to large rock and debris avalanches. These mass wasting events, which mobilised large volumes of greenish alkali-trachytic tuff (the Mt. Epomeo Green Tuff, MEGT), were strictly related to volcano-tectonic activity and the interaction between the volcanic slopes and the hydrothermal system beneath the island. Deep-seated gravitational slope deformation (DSGSD) at Mt. Nuovo, located adjacent to densely populated coastal villages, is an ongoing process that covers an area of 1.6 km². The Mt. Nuovo DSGSD involves a rock mass volume of 190 Mm³ and is accommodated by a main shear zone and a series of sub-vertical fault zones associated with high-angle joint sets. To improve our understanding of this gravity-induced process, we performed a physical (porosity and permeability) and mechanical (uniaxial and triaxial deformation experiments) characterisation of two ignimbrite deposits - both from the MEGT - that form a significant component of the NW sector of Mt. Epomeo. The main conclusions drawn from our experiments are twofold. First, the presence of water dramatically reduces the strength of the tuffs, suggesting that the movement of fluids within the hydrothermal system could greatly impact slope stability. Second, the transition from brittle (dilatant) to ductile (compactant) behaviour in the tuffs of the MEGT occurs at a very low effective pressure, analogous to a depth of a couple of hundred metres, and that this transition is likely moved closer to the surface in the presence of water. We hypothesise that compactant (porosity decreasing) behaviour at the base of the layer could therefore facilitate slope instability. Although our results show that transient exposure to 300 °C does not influence the short-term strength of the tuff, we speculate that the high in-situ temperature could increase the efficiency of brittle and compactant creep and therefore increase the rate of slope deformation. Taken together, our experimental data highlight a potentially important role for the hydrothermal system (that reaches a minimum depth of ~ 1 km) in dictating the DSGSD at Mt. Nuovo. An understanding of this deformation process is not only important for the proximal coastal villages, at risk of engulfment by a large debris avalanche, but also for the towns and cities along the coast of the Gulf of Naples that are at risk to a secondary consequence of such an avalanche - a tsunami wave.ViewShow abstract... Maggiore, M.Sarno and M. Lattari), southward by the Somma-Vesuvio district and Campi Flegrei volcanic field and westward by the Tyrrhenian Sea. The Meso-Cenozoic Appennine districts actually forming the substratum of the plain are overlaid by marine and transitional deposits (Ippolito et al. 1973), in the Late Quaternary the sedimentation of pyroclastic deposits from the volcanic areas prevailed (Romano et al. 1994). ...The potential vulnerability indices as tools for natural risk reduction. The Volturno coastal plain case studyArticleFull-text availableDec 2017

\"RobertaRoberta Iavarone

\"AnnaAnna Claudia AngrisaniR. Barrra

\"InesInes AlbericoCoastal areas are exposed to many hazardous events often exacerbeted by the sea-level rise with its related effects. The knowledge of vulnerability make possible to plan the actions aimed at reducing the risk and promoting the development of a resilient community. In this frame, the evaluation of potential vulnerability of coastal area only due to the human presence is the topic of the geo-spatial model proposed in this work. At this aim, a dataset of urban areas and population of last 200 years was used to assess the trend of these two factors and four vulnerability indices: urban density, population density, occupied buildings density and buildings surplus. The urban density and population density indices communicate the human pressure due to the presence of men while occupied buildings density and buildings surplus indices identify the zones where accommodation measures, as land use changes, could be applied to improve the coastal system adaptive capacity. This model was implemented at both municipality and censual administrative unit scales and it is well transferable to other areas exposed to hazard, allowing a comparison among regions. The method was applied to the case study of Volturno coastal plain (VCP), located in the north-western zone of Campania Plain (Southern Italy): indeed, the exposure to many natural hazards (coastal erosion, marine inundation, subsidence, salt water intrusion) coupled with the intense urbanization make the VCP a good test area to validate the methodology here proposed. The model evidenced a low constant value of population growth and the achievement of a sill for the urban development after the nineties, moreover the greatest part of censual districts close to the VCP shoreline have a high percentage of total unoccupied buildings. These conditions make concrete the possibility to change the land use from urban to natural land for wide coastal sectors.ViewShow abstract... Il dataset di partenza è costituito dalle stratigrafie di 54 sondaggi provenienti dal Piano Regolatore Generale (PRG) di Caserta. I dati da elaborare sono stati inizialmente omogeneizzati e successivamente messi a confronto con un assetto stratigrafico di riferimento ricavato dall abbondante letteratura reperibile sull argomento (Ippolito et al., 1973;Ortolani Aprile, 1985;Brancaccio et al., 1991;Romano et al., 1994;Aprile et al., 2004, fra gli altri). ...3D Reconstruction of Architecture in Underground Urban Area of CasertaArticleFull-text availableJan 2017

\"GianluigiGianluigi Busico

\"MaurizioMaurizio SirnaThe architecture reconstruction of the subsoilis an essential step in all of enhancement activities,storage, management and exploitation ofthe territory, as the geometry of geological bodiesconstitutes the ground substrate and its correctthree-dimensional reconstruction must be to thebasis of any environmental study conducted onthe territory itself.The data and interpretations presented in thisnote, in fact, represent the starting point of astudy on shallow aquifer vulnerability in the undergroundurban area of Caserta conducted bythe staff of Territorial Cartography Laboratoryof Environmental Geochemistry Laboratory Departmentof Environmental Sciences and Technologies,Biological and Pharmaceutical, Universityof Campania Studies “Luigi Vanvitelli”.ViewShow abstract... The filling of the Ofanto syncline is composed of regressive Pliocene deposits of the Ariano unit lying unconformably on the pre-Pliocene substratum (Ippolito et al. 1973;D Argenio et al. 1975). Marine marly clays in the lower part of this unit are followed by coastal and alluvial sands and conglomerates towards the top. ...Lower plate geometry controlling the development of a thrust-top basin: the tectonosedimentary evolution of the Ofanto basin (Southern Apennines)ArticleFull-text availableJan 2016

\"EmilioEmilio Casciello

\"PaoloPaolo Esestime

\"MassimoMassimo Cesarano

\"JaumeJaume VergésThe Ofanto basin is a Pliocene–Pleistocene thrust-top basin that formed with an unusual east–west orientation along the frontal part of the Southern Apennine Allochthon during the latest stages of tectonic transport. Its tectonic and sedimentary evolution was studied integrating field surveys, biostratigraphic analyses and the interpretation of a large seismic grid. Well data and seismic interpretation indicate that a large east–west-trending normal fault underlies the northern margin of the basin, displacing the Apulian carbonates that form the foreland and the footwall of the Southern Apennine Allochthon. In our reconstruction the Ofanto basin formed at the rear of the bulge caused by buttressing of the Southern Apennine Allochthon against this normal fault. In a second stage of contraction, the footwall of the Southern Apennine Allochthon was involved in deformation with a different trend from the normal faulting and buttressing. This caused eastward tilting of the basin and broad folding around its eastern termination. Good stratigraphic constraints permit the age of buttressing to be defined as Early Pliocene, and that of the shortening in the Apulian carbonates as Early Pleistocene. This study highlights the importance of early orogenic normal faults in conditioning the evolution of the frontal parts of orogenic wedges.ViewShow abstract... According to several geological reconstructions (Ippolito et al. 1973;Aprile and Ortolani 1978;Ortolani and Pagliuca 1986;Cinque et al. 1987;Cinque et al. 2000;Bruno et al. 2000), the CP represents a morphostructural basin that has been eveloping since Late Pliocene along the palaeo-Tyrrhenian margin of the Apennines fold-thrust belt as a consequence of the post-orogenic phases and extensional processes (stretching and thinning of the continental crust) linked to the Tyrrhenian rift-basin (e.g., Doglioni 1991;Patacca and Scandone 2007;Ferranti and Oldow 1999;Milia and Torrente 2003) (Fig. 2). ...Historical maps and satellite images as tools for shoreline variations and territorial changes assessment: the case study of Volturno Coastal Plain (Southern Italy)ArticleFull-text availableOct 2018

\"GiuseppeGiuseppe Cavuoto

\"VincenzoVincenzo Di Fiore

\"EnnioEnnio Marsella

\"InesInes AlbericoAnthropic pressure has caused severe variations of Mediterranean coastal areas currently hosting about 480 million people. The replacement of natural land covers with crops and urban environment coupled with the reduction of sediment supply to the coast, subsidence, Relative Sea Level Rise and the high frequency of storm events, have caused severe shoreline erosion. In this paper, we stress the key role of historical maps, topographic maps and free satellite images to forecast the rates of coastline changes and to recognize the main features of past landscapes as tools for risk reduction. This data was recorded into a Geographical Information System dedicated to coastal management that allows to compare different coastal zones and elaborate maps. The analysis was applied to the case study of Volturno Coastal Plain (VCP), extending from the town of Mondragone to Patria Lake (Campania Region, Southern Italy). Indeed, the intense territorial modification that occurred between the seventies and eighties, coupled with the exposure to coastal erosion, make the VCP a good test area. The spatial analysis algorithms allowed to outline the main features of past landscapes and how they changed from roman times to present while the coastal evolution (erosion, accretion) and possible future coastal trend was assessed with the Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) software. Starting from the Bourbon domain, the reclamation caused the first great territorial change (e.g. wetlands were transformed into agricultural lands, regimentation of surperficial water) but the negative effects of antrophic pressure, as the intense urbanization of the coastal belt, emerged in the seventies of the last century. The shoreline position was defined for 9 time intervals (from 1817 to 2012) as the ratio of the distance between two shorelines and the relative elapsed time. Moreover, for the 1957–1998 and 1998–2012 time windows, the shoreline trends were calculated with the weighted linear regression method. The first trend pointed out an intensive erosional phase (mean value: 5 m/yr) for a wide sector close to the Volturno River mouth, the eroded sediment nourished the beaches of other coastal sectors. This phase was related to the reduction of River sediment supply mainly due to the construction of the Ponte Annibale dam on the Volturno River. The second (1998–2012) showed an alternation of erosion and accretion sectors due to a sediment starved condition to deltaic zone and to a sequence of 52 sea protection works in the Gaeta Gulf. Furthermore, the regression values of more recent time interval, was assumed as a scenario to draw the probable shoreline position in 2022. The overlay of this shoreline on the Technical Maps of Campania Region at 1:5000 scale highlighted the urban area that could be exposed to damages.ViewShow abstract... CFc is an active volcanic field located in the Campanian plain, 15 km west of Naples city (Southern Italy). The Campanian Plain is a half-graben, bordered by Mesozoic carbonate platforms subsided during the Pliocene and Pleistocene as a consequence of the Apennines orogeny (Patacca et al., 1990) and filled by great thickness of volcanic sedimentary deposits (Ippolito et al., 1973). The Neapolitan volcanic area has been active, for at least 60 ka BP (D Argenio et al., 2004) with activity concentrated in Campi Flegrei, Somma Vesuvius and on Ischia and Procida islands. ...Non-isothermal momentum transfer and ground displacements rate at Campi Flegrei caldera (Southern Italy)ArticleAug 2018PHYS EARTH PLANET IN

\"VittorioVittorio Romano

\"U.U. Tammaro

\"UmbertoUmberto Riccardi

\"PaoloPaolo CapuanoWe propose a thermo-fluid-dynamics model to study some recent uplift episodes occurred in the period 2008–2013 at Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy). Accounting for eight overpressure sources (from 5 to 40 MPa) in the hydrothermal system, our model solves for heat and momentum balances to obtain fluid velocities responsible for the observed ground displacement. For a validation of the model we use a dataset from seven continuous GNSS stations of the Neapolitan Volcanoes Continuous GPS network (NeVoCGPS), belonging to a geodetic monitoring system covering the Neapolitan volcanic area, and operated by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia. We compare the observed and modelled vertical displacements to assess “threshold” values for the vertical ground accelerations below which ground displacements could be described with the classic fluid-dynamics equations applied to the hydrothermal system without invoking a direct magmatic contribution. We find out that below 280 mm/yr2 the observed ground acceleration can be explained as just due to the interaction between the deep magmatic and hydrothermal systems. On the contrary, for values exceeding the modelled“threshold”, the direct magmatic contribution can be likely invoked as source of the ground deformations.Through this study, we target to contribute to the debate on the origin of the observed ground deformation, mainly to separate the effects of hydrothermal perturbations, caused by the injection of deep magmatic fluids into the aquifer, from the direct magma intrusion.ViewShow abstract... This is an actively subsiding area induced by the roll-back mechanism of the subducting Adriatic lithosphere which was responsible for the formation of the Tyrrhenian back-arc basin (Bonardi et al., 2009;Vitale and Ciarcia, 2013). The structural depression is filled with Quaternary alluvial, coastal and volcanoclastic sediments whose thickness can reach up to 5 km (Ippolito et al., 1973). Large volcanic edifices have been formed and many explosive eruptions occurred from 0.6 Ma up to our recent time due to the combination of subduction and fissure volcanic activity (Peccerillo, 2005;De Vivo et al., 2010). ...The spatial pattern of beryllium and its possible origin using compositional data analysis on a high-density topsoil data set from the Campania Region (Italy)ArticleFeb 2018APPL GEOCHEM

\"AttilaAttila Petrik

\"StefanoStefano Albanese

\"AnnamariaAnnamaria Lima

\"BenedettoBenedetto -- De VivoThis study demonstrates the spatial distribution of Be and its possible sources by using the high density Campanian topsoil dataset. A combination of univariate and multivariate statistical analysis with multifractal methods were performed on the raw-, and compositionally transformed data set to recognise the spatial patterns of Be and its background values. Specific groups of elements were chosen based on the compositional clr-biplot to implement multiple sequential binary partitions which were used in the calculation of balances. Balances enabled us to reveal the dominance and relation between specific groups of elements. Ratio maps based on balances were also made to better understand the compositional behaviour of Be in a multidimensional space. Index of chemical weathering (CIA) was calculated to explore the advancement of pedogenetic processes which might govern the Be distribution. Enrichment Factor (EF) was used to discover the possible anthropogenic contamination of Be. In addition, different thematic maps (e.g. fault zones, bauxite mineralization spots, hydrothermal springs, pyroclastic and carbonatic rocks distribution) were involved to support and verify our interpretation. Beryllium distribution is influenced by multiple geogenic factors. We proved that Be anomaly in topsoils is not only influenced by the presence of volcanoclastic deposits but the advancement of pedogenetic processes (e.g. chemical weathering, rubification) is equally or even more important. We pointed out that Be anomaly is mainly concentrated in topsoils developed over the oldest pyroclastic deposits in Roccamonfina and over carbonatic massifs where pedogenesis is more advanced. The distribution of pyroclastic deposits in the Campania Region was also demonstrated independently by using different balances (groups of elements). Some high Be anomaly can be interpreted as local peculiarities associated with bauxite mineralisation and the presence of fault zones along which hydrothermal deposits and springs are particularly rich in Be. Finally, Be background values reflect geogenic origin and exceed the intervention limit for residential area in the vast majority of the Campania Region, hence decision-makers should take into consideration the local geological conditions when determining intervention limits.ViewShow abstract... The continental shelf deepens from NW to SE and extends with the direction of the Garigliano river mouth. This part of the Campania-Latium area undergone subsidence from the Pliocene to the Quaternary (Ippolito et al. 1973). The formation of the Gaeta Basin appears to be related to tectonic extensions along E-W trending faults (Aiello et al. 2000). ...Live benthic foraminifera from the Volturno River mouth (central Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy)ArticleFull-text availableMay 2018

\"SergioSergio Bonomo

\"LucianaLuciana Ferraro

\"InesInes Alberico

\"MattiaMattia VallefuocoLiving benthic foraminiferal assemblages were investigated at 22 marine stations in front of the Volturno River mouth (Gulf of Gaeta, central Tyrrhenian Sea), during 3-years survey (2012–2014). The results were compared with the oceanographic data recorded at the same sites, to highlight the ecology of the main dominant species and the relationship between the community structures and the environmental variables (turbidity, dissolved oxygen content, salinity, temperature, and runoff). The living assemblage, analyzed in the top 1 cm of sea floor, was characterized by three dominant species (Ammonia tepida, Bulimina elongata, and Rectuvigerina phlegeri) during all the sampling periods. Correlation analysis identified turbidity, runoff, and oxygen as the main environmental factors influencing living foraminiferal assemblages. Ammonia tepida and Rectuvigerina phlegeri showed opportunistic behaviour in response to turbidity, oxygen, and salinity values. No significant correlation was recorded between Bulimina elongata and the environmental parameters, testifying the capability of this species to adapt to different environmental conditions. The occurrence and distribution of these species provided useful information about coastal dynamics and sediment transport, and our results confirmed them as reliable proxies of coastal water column turbidity and Volturno river basin runoff.ViewShow abstract... The island of Ischia, located at the north-western border of the Gulf of Naples, hosts an active volcanic field, which is included in the framework of the Tyrrhenian volcanism. This volcanism is connected to the Plio-Quaternary evolution of the western Mediterranean area, which is characterized by the anticlockwise rotation of the Italian peninsula, occurred during the interaction between the African and the European plates (Ippolito et al., 1973;D Argenio et al., 1973;Finetti and Morelli, 1974;Bartole, 1984;Piochi et al., 2005). The activation of NW-SE normal faults and NE-SW normal to strike-slip transfer faults during this process, allowed the magmas to reach the surface, feeding the volcanism that is still active also in the other Neapolitan volcanoes (Somma-Vesuvius and Campi Flegrei caldera). ...Field trip to the Ischia resurgent caldera, a journey across an active volcano in the Gulf of NaplesConference PaperFull-text availableDec 2018

\"FabioFabio Sansivero

\"SandroSandro de Vita

\"EnricaEnrica Marotta

\"GianGian Marco MarmoniIschia is one of the most impressive examples of post-caldera resurgence in the world, with its almost 1,000 m of uplift in less than 30 ka. This three-days field trip will lead the participants through the geological and volcanological history of the island, illustrating the volcanic and related hazardous phenomena threatening about 50,000 inhabitants. Effusive and explosive eruptions, catastrophic earthquakes and huge debris-avalanches struck the island that, since Neolithic times, experienced a complex history of alternating human colonization and natural disasters. The field trip consists of three routes: 1) the circumnavigation of the island, aimed to outline its main volcanological, geomorphological and tectonic features and to observe the oldest volcanic rocks exposed, stimulating discussions about coastal evolution and the relationships between volcanism, volcano-tectonism and slope instability; 2) an onland excursion on peculiar aspects of the products related to Ischia more recent period of volcanic activity; 3) a route focusing on the Mt. Epomeo Green Tuff caldera forming eruptions (55-60 ka), encouraging a discussion on the dynamics of the intracalderic resurgence and the geomorphological evolution of the Mt. Epomeo slopes, with ongoing Mass Rock Creep (MRC) processes culminating in rockavalanche, debris-avalanche and lahar deposits.ViewShow abstract... The Ischia island (southern Italy) is an active volcanic area located at the northwestern side of the Gulf of Naples. It is part of the Campi Flegrei Volcanic District (Fig. 1) together with the Procida island, and was originated following the Pliocene-Quaternary extension, which generated the graben of the Campanian Plain along the Tyrrhenian margin of the Apennines belt [Ippolito et al. 1973;D Argenio et al. 1973;Finetti and Morelli, 1974;Bartole, 1984;Acocella and Funiciello, 1999;Piochi et al. 1999;Piochi et al. 2005;Sacchi et al, 2009;de Vita et al. 2010]. Vita et al. 2010, modified]. ...High precision leveling survey following the Md 4.0 Casamicciola earthquake of August 21, 2017 (Ischia, Southern Italy): field data and preliminary interpretationArticleFull-text availableDec 2018ANN GEOPHYS-ITALY

\"GiulianaGiuliana Alessio

\"IdaIda Aquino

\"CiroCiro Ricco

\"CarloCarlo Del GaudioThe aim of this paper is the presentation of the results obtained from the high precision leveling survey carried out from November 6 to 11, 2017, in the area hit by the Md 4.0 Casamicciola earthquake of August 21, 2017, and critical discussion of these results in the light of the possibleseismic source models. The measurements have been carried out on benchmarks of the northwestern sector of the altimetric network of the Ischia island, in the epicentral area. The heights of each benchmark have been obtained considering the historical reference benchmark n.1 located at Ischia Porto, and have been compensated over the whole stretch of the measured network; such heights have also been compared with those derived from the previous leveling campaign that was performed along the entirenetwork in June 2010.The results obtained from the specific investigated leveling lines, which are considered representative of the kinematics of the northwestern area of the island, show conspicuous anomalies of ground deformation in the epicentral area of the August 21, 2017 earthquake. In particular, a significant ground subsidence of about 3.5 centimeters has been found between the benchmarks n. 92 and n. 98A along the “Borbonica Line”, quite anomalous compared to the previous measurements. Such subsidence located between the Piazza Maio (Casamicciola) and Fango (Lacco Ameno)localities, results spatially correlated with the deformation detected by the InSAR data analysis and coincides with the greatest macroseismic damages and with the coseismic surface fracture systems E-W oriented. Future leveling campaign in the area would be very crucial in order to follow and define the rate of postseismic motion of the seismogenetic source, also contributing with independent and valuable data to the seismic hazard knowledge of the Ischia island.ViewShow abstract... Torrente, 2007, 2011;Torrente et al., 2010) addressed the reconstruction of thickness maps and source areas of the Upper Pleistocene ignimbrite deposits (pre-CI tuffs, CI, and NYT) in the Campania Plain and Naples Bay. (Ippolito et al., 1973;Rosi and Sbrana, 1987;Brocchini et al., 2001) volcanic and clastic units that were physically correlated to seismo-stratigraphic units documented offshore; they produced a CI isopach map (their ...Comment on The Campi Flegrei Deep Drilling Project (CFDDP): New Insight on Caldera Structure, Evolution and Hazard Implications for the Naples Area (Southern Italy) by G. De Natale et al.ArticleFull-text availableJun 2018GEOCHEM GEOPHY GEOSY

\"MaurizioMaurizio Torrente

\"AlfonsaAlfonsa MiliaThe paper by Natale et al. (2016) reported new stratigraphic and geochronological data for a borehole located at Campi Flegrei volcanic area. The authors failed to mention several significant articles on the geological evolution of the region and proposed an interpretation of their data according to the caldera model. Herein, we provide tectonic and stratigraphic data to support a fault model of ignimbrite emission. This comment will also show the inconsistency of the proposed Campi Flegrei caldera.ViewShow abstract... This volcanism was associated with tectonic extension which generated rifting-related magmatic activity (Della Vedova et al., 2001) with large scale magma intrusion. This activity occurred where the carbonate platform sank to a depth ≥ 2 km (Ippolito et al., 1973;AGIP, 1987). ...Heat flow and geothermal gradients of the Campania region (Southern Italy) and their relationship to volcanism and tectonicsArticleFull-text availableOct 2018J VOLCANOL GEOTH RES

\"StefanoStefano CarlinoThe heat flow and distribution of temperatures at depth in the Campania region were analysed and correlated with the volcanism and tectonics of the area. The temperature data, a part of the inventory of the AGIP, SAFEN and ENEL Companies (Inventario delle Risorse Geotermiche Nazionali), were gathered during drilling campaigns that began in 1940. The Campania region is characterised by the presence of two active and high-risk volcanic districts (the Campi Flegrei, Ischia and Vesuvius) emerging at the western boundary of the Campania Plain structural graben, and by the outcropping of the carbonate basement along the borders of the plain. The thermal anomalies have been correlated to different processes: the rising of the upper mantle (at about 20 km depth), the heat flow mass transport due to advection of hot fluids above magma reservoirs and the pure conductive heat transport of deeper crust. Furthermore, the presence of the carbonate basement has possibly buffered the deeper crustal thermal processes. The data also provided an estimation of the brittle-ductile transition zone that has been compared with the seismicity cut-off depth of the area.ViewShow abstract... These sediments were found in the underground of the Garigliano Plain (AGIP, 1977) and outcrop in the Sele Plain, to the south, in the Gulf of Salerno. On the basis of data provided by surveys for hydrocarbon exploration carried out in Castel Volturno in the 50s, Ippolito et al. (1973) hypothesize that the subsidence in the Campania Plain began during the Upper Pliocene. Instead, Cinque et al. (1987), reinterpreting the biostratigraphic data of the same boreholes, believe that subsidence started at the beginning of the Pleistocene. ...Geomorphological and paleoenvironmental evolution in the prehistoric framework of the coastland of Mondragone, southern ItalyArticleJun 2018QUATERN INT

\"CarmineCarmine Collina

\"GiuseppeGiuseppe Aiello

\"DianaDiana Barra

\"CarloCarlo DonadioUsing morphological, stratigraphic, paleoecological and geoarcheological data, as well as radiocarbon datings, we reconstructed the evolution of the coastal plain of Mondragone, in the northern sector of the Campania Plain, during the last 40 kyr. The Late Pleistocene-Holocene morphodynamics of this coastland were mainly dictated by mutual interaction between tectonics, sea-level fluctuations, Quaternary volcanic eruptions, and subsidence. These processes also influenced the dynamics of prehistoric and proto-historic human populations. Actually, the discovery over the last 25 years of several archaeological sites referable to Upper Paleolithic-Early Iron Age as well as the recent finding of artifacts, fauna and, for the third time in Campania, of Neanderthal human remains in the Roccia San Sebastiano cave, demonstrates that the coastal plain of Mondragone had always hosted human settlements. This constant frequentation is confirmed by, both emerged and submerged, ruins of Roman age and Middle Ages, and the high level of urbanization of the modern town. The interpretation of four borehole stratigraphic sequences down to 22 m bgl, of microfossils analysis and sediment facies highlighted the succession of transition, from marine to freshwater, and continental paleoenvironments in this coastal plain. These wetlands developed in climatic conditions that varied from glacial (Würm) to postglacial phases. Some deposits are interpreted as marshy sediments accumulated in shallow, elongated ponds behind sandy beach or dunes, which existed almost up to the present. The reconstruction of landscape morphodynamic evolution shows that after the “super eruption” of the Campanian Ignimbrite (~39 kyr BP) the physiography abruptly changed. A wide gulf characterized by grey tuff cliffs and facing northwest formed, along the littoral between the Garigliano and the Volturno river mouths during the volcanic stasis of the Phlegrean Fields, which lasted about ten thousand years after the violent ignimbrite eruption. In this period, the presence of Neanderthal and of a settlement in the Roccia San Sebastiano cave, at the foot of Mt. Massico, is proven by the findings of an excavation. Later (~20 kyr BP - Holocene), subsidence and sea-level rise activated strong erosion processes due to the postglacial marine ingression, with a consequent rapid shoreline recession and the genesis of transition environments. Finally, according to the results of previous multidisciplinary research carried out on other Campania coastal plains, adjacent or not to the studied area, distinct generations of post-Campanian Ignimbrite - Holocene coastal lakes (lagoons, ponds) and waterlogged environments (marshes, quagmires) were recognized, slightly below and at the current sea-level.ViewShow abstract... These plains are structural depressions filled with Quaternary alluvial, coastal and volcanoclastic sediments that can reach a thickness of 5 km in some locations (Ippolito et al., 1973). Volcanic rocks consist of potassic and ultrapotassic lavas and pyroclastic deposits that range in age from 0.6-0. ...Soil contamination compositional index: A new approach to quantify contamination demonstrated by assessing compositional source patterns of potentially toxic elements in the Campania Region (Italy)ArticleJul 2018APPL GEOCHEM

\"MatarMatar Thiombane

\"AttilaAttila Petrik

\"AnnamariaAnnamaria Lima

\"BenedettoBenedetto -- De VivoPotentially toxic elements (PTEs) are a major worldwide threat to the environment due to the constant global increase in industrial activity and urbanisation. Several studies have provided detailed maps anda better understanding of the spatial distribution patterns of PTEs in different matrices, but the majority of these studies have simply neglected the compositional nature of geochemical data. Theaims of this study are to reveal the compositional behaviour and relative structure of 15 PTEs (subcomposition) in Campania, one of the most contaminated regions in Italy, and to quantify the spatial abundance and identify the possible origins of these PTEs. Robust compositional biplots were used to understand the natural grouping and origin of the PTEs. Ratios of specific subcompositions(balances) of PTEs were calculated to map the spatial patterns and identify the spatial variability of the PTEs. This study presents the preliminary steps needed to quantify and analyse the relative difference in the spatial abundance of PTEs by applying a compositional abundance index. In addition, a new soil contamination compositional index (SCCI) was elaborated to quantify topsoil contamination by the 15 PTEs and related subgroups following the compositional structure of the geochemical data.The elevated spatial abundance of the 15 PTEs is related to highly urbanised (Naples and Salerno), highly industrialised (Solofra) and intensely cultivated areas (Sarno River Basin), where the highdominance of elements from the anthropogenic subgroup (Pb, Sb, Sn and Zn) and high SCCI values suggest that contamination is from anthropogenic sources. The high spatial dominance of elementsfrom the volcanic rock subgroup (As, Be, Se, Tl and V) in these same areas is likely related to geogenic sources, including alkalic pyroclastic rocks. Although the high spatial abundance of Group B elements (Cd, Cr, Co and Ni) is related to Terra Rossa soils and shaley facies of siliciclastic rocks of the southern Apennines, these same elements can also reach high abundances and reflect contamination (i.e. high SCCI values) from urbanised and industrialised areas due to e.g., tanneries and alloy production. Other high spatial abundances of the 15 PTEs with little or no contamination (i.e. very low SCCI values) can be related to nearby carbonate massifs, where a mixture of geogenic factors including weathering, advanced pedogenic processes, adsorption and co-precipitation with Fe-/Mnoxyhydroxidesand the presence of pyroclastic material might all be responsible for an increase in abundance.The lowest spatial dominance of the 15 PTEs occurs in the northeastern and southwestern siliciclasticzones of the Campania Region, where there is a low level of urbanisation and industrialisation and therefore contamination from any source can be excluded.ViewShow abstract... At its southeastern edge, the carbonate complex (CC) of the Eastern Aurunci Mts is dissected and lowered by three normal faults (Figure 1(b)). The first fault has a NE-SW trend and reuses an old frontal thrust, the second has a NE-SW trend and delimits the Garigliano graben, and the third has an E-W trend and reuses an old contractional lineament [20,21]. These faults dislocate the CC complex roof to more than 1000 meters below the sea level [9] making it at contact with turbiditic (FC), sandy-conglomeratic (GC), and volcanic (VC) complexes (Figure 1(c)). ...A Macroscale Hydrogeological Numerical Model of the Suio Hydrothermal System (Central Italy)ArticleFull-text availableMay 2019Geofluids

\"GaspareGaspare Giovinco

\"MicheleMichele Saroli

\"MatteoMatteo Albano

\"MarcoMarco PetittaThe complex behaviour of the Suio hydrothermal system (central Italy) and its potential exploitation as a renewable energy source are still unclear. To quantitatively evaluate the geothermal resource, the Suio hydrothermal system has been investigated with a hydrogeological numerical model that couples fluid flow, thermal convection, and transport of diluted species inside a hybrid continuum-discrete medium. The numerical model, calibrated and validated with available and new experimental data, unveiled the complex behaviour of the hydrothermal system. The normal tectonic displacements, the fracturing of the karst hydrostructure, and the aquitard distribution, strongly influence the hydrothermal basin. In particular, a dual fluid circulation, sustained by steady-state thermal and pressure gradients, modulates the hydrothermalism at the several springs and wells. The presence of a medium to a low-temperature reservoir allows for potential exploitation of the geothermal resource.ViewShow abstract... The island of Ischia, located at the north-western border of the Gulf of Naples, hosts an active volcanic field, which is included in the framework of the Tyrrhenian volcanism. This volcanism is connected to the Plio- Quaternary evolution of the western Mediterranean area, which is characterized by the anticlockwise rotation of the Italian peninsula, occurred during the interaction between the African and the European plates ( Ippolito et al., 1973;D Argenio et al., 1973;Finetti and Morelli, 1974;Bartole, 1984;Piochi et al., 2005). The activation of NW-SE normal faults and NE-SW normal to strike-slip transfer faults during this process, allowed the magmas to reach the surface, feeding the volcanism that is still active also in the other Neapolitan volcanoes (Somma- Vesuvius and Campi Flegrei caldera). ...Field trip to the Ischia resurgent caldera, a journey across an active volcano in the Gulf of NaplesConference PaperDec 2018

\"MartaMarta Della Seta

\"SandroSandro de Vita

\"EnricaEnrica Marotta

\"FabioFabio SansiveroIschia is one of the most impressive examples of post-caldera resurgence in the world, with its almost 1,000 m of uplift in less than 30 ka. This three-days field trip will lead the participants through the geological and volcanological history of the island, illustrating the volcanic and related hazardous phenomena threatening about 50,000 inhabitants. Effusive and explosive eruptions, catastrophic earthquakes and huge debris-avalanchesstruck the island that, since Neolithic times, experienced a complex history of alternating human colonization and natural disasters.The field trip consists of three routes: 1) the circumnavigation of the island, aimed to outline its main volcanological, geomorphological and tectonic features and to observe the oldest volcanic rocks exposed, stimulating discussions about coastal evolution and the relationships between volcanism, volcano-tectonism and slope instability; 2) an onland excursion on peculiar aspects of the products related to Ischia more recentperiod of volcanic activity; 3) a route focusing on the Mt. Epomeo Green Tuff caldera forming eruptions (55-60 ka), encouraging a discussion on the dynamics of the intracalderic resurgence and the geomorphological evolution of the Mt. Epomeo slopes, with ongoing Mass Rock Creep (MRC) processes culminating in rockavalanche,debris-avalanche and lahar deposits.ViewShow abstractCarta magnetica di alta risoluzione del Golfo di NapoliArticleFull-text availableOct 2004

\"GemmaGemma AielloRIASSUNTO Presentiamo una carta magnetica di alta risoluzione del Golfo di Napoli, che integra le conoscenze sulla geofisica e la vulcanologia di questo settore del margine tirrenico. Il rilievo magnetometrico del Golfo di Napoli recentemente acquisito dall Istituto per l Ambiente Marino Costiero del CNR di Napoli a bordo della N/O Urania (CNR) presenta una copertura spaziale molto più fitta dei rilievi aeroma-gnetici precedenti. Questo ha reso possibile la costruzione di una carta delle anomalie magnetiche di alta risoluzione, che mostra complessi campi di anomalie, non noti in precedenza, associati sia a strutture subsuperficiali di natura vulcanica (come è confermato dall interpretazione di profili sismici a riflessione) che ad alti morfo-strutturali anch essi vulcanici e ben evidenti nella carta morfobati-metrica del Golfo. TERMINI CHIAVE: carta magnetica, anomalie magnetiche, strutture geologiche, vulcanologia, Golfo di Napoli, margine tirrenico orientale. ABSTRACT High resolution magnetic anomaly map of the Bay of Naples (Southern Tyrrhenian sea).ViewShow abstractEvoluzione geologica olocenica delta piana costiera del fiume Sarno (Campania)ArticleFull-text availableJan 1989

\"DianaDiana BarraG. BonaduceL. Brancaccio

\"FilippoFilippo RussoStratigraphic-sedimentological, micropaleontological andchronological studies have been carried out on more than 50stratigraphic successions in bore holes. They have been drilledon Samo River coastal alluvial plain, between Torre Annunziataand Pompei, and allowed to recognize latero-verticalextension of chrono and lithostratigraphic bodies that have beenutilized for the reconstruction of Holocenic geological andgeomorphological evolution of that mentioned area. The dataseem to support a rapidly and strongly prograding plain withlight aggradation from 4500 y.b.p. to 79 B.C. Since 79 a.C.to present the aggradation has increased up to IO m in connectionwith the historical eruptive activity of Vesuvius. Thelithostratigraphic bodies consist of alluvial, coastal marine, andfluvio-palustrine sediments. The prograding development ofthe coastal plain is possibly caused by volcano-tectonicmovements that have been acting also during the first centuryB.C. on the shoreline. The sediment referred to the Romantime shoreline are found at 4 meter depth below the presentsea-level. Such a paleo sea-level position is not in accordancewith the available data. In the mean lime, the stratigraphic dataallow to delineate the coastal paleo-environment present in thearea at the time of Vesuvius eruptive event (79 B.C.).ViewShow abstractSINUESSA, UN APPRODO SOMMERSO DI EPOCA ROMANAChapterFull-text availableFeb 2017Micla Pennetta

\"CorradoCorrado Stanislao

\"CarloCarlo DonadioViewHYDROLOGICAL FEATURES OF ENDORHEIC AREAS IN SOUTHERN ITALYArticleFull-text availableSep 2019

\"LiberaLibera Esposito

\"GuidoGuido Leone

\"MauroMauro Pagnozzi

\"FrancescoFrancesco FiorilloIn questo studio sono stati focalizzati alcuni aspetti geoidrologici di alcuni massicci carsici dell Italia meridionale (Monti Alburni, Monti del Matese, Massicci del Terminio e del Cervialto). Le forme carsiche comuni a tutte le aree investigate sono le aree endoreiche, le quali rappresentano le aree di alimentazione preferenziali per la ricarica delle sorgenti. Pur rappresentando sistemi carsici con processi idrogeologici alquanto simili, i tre massicci analizzati in realtà mostrano alcune differenze nei meccanismi di alimentazione delle sorgenti, avendo avuto origini tettoniche differenti. I massicci del Matese e dei monti Picentini mostrano una prevalenza di macro-depressioni (polje) rispetto alle depressioni minori le cui evidenze sono rappresentate dai sinkholes, mentre il massiccio degli Alburni, caratterizzato da una differente evoluzione morfostrutturale, presenta un unico vasto plateau sommitale (internal runoff area) butterato da un elevato numero di depressioni minori. Tuttavia il bacino del Matese è caratterizzato da una elevata presenza di sinkholes concentrati lungo il margine nord-occidentale del massiccio. Dall analisi effettuata si è desunto che proprio la diversa genesi evolutiva dei massicci analizzati ha portato ad un diverso assetto giaciturale degli strati che ha condizionato profondamente l evoluzione e lo sviluppo delle forme carsiche epigee ed ipogee. Ciò ha permesso di evidenziare un pattern idrografico per il massiccio degli Alburni che risulta profondamente diverso dall assetto idrografico dei Monti Picentini e dei Monti del Matese. A conferma di ciò, analizzando il reticolo idrografico dei Mt. Alburni, si evidenzia una netta separazione tra il runoff interno impostato su pendenze lievi dell area endoreica del plateau sommitale e il runoff esterno dei ripidi versanti che bordano il fitto reticolo delle aree chiuse. Dalla congiunta analisi idrogeologica e morfologica si evince come il plateau sommitale degli Alburni contribuisce alla ricarica delle sorgenti carsiche basali in misura diversa rispetto alle aree endoreiche dei massicci dei Picentini e del Matese il cui contributo alle sorgenti di base risulta essere minore. Una correlazione preliminare è stata trovata tra l assetto giaciturale e le caratteristiche morfometriche delle aree endoreiche; questa relazione aiuta a comprendere meglio i processi di ricarica dei sistemi carsici analizzati, in particolare per alcuni massicci carsici dell Appennino meridionale, interessati da peculiarità orografiche e geomorfologiche. Il primo step ha riguardato un analisi dettagliata delle aree endoreiche, evidenziando la dimensione eterogenea tra le macro depressioni del Terminio, Cervialto, Matese (polje) e le depressioni minori dell altopiano sommitale del Mt. Alburno caratterizzato da una elevata densità di doline. Le differenze nello sviluppo e nella evoluzione dei bacini endoreici non possono essere spiegate solo con i processi di dissoluzione delle rocce carbonatiche; diversamente la pendenza degli strati può essere considerata un ulteriore fattore che ha un forte controllo sull evoluzione delle aree chiuse. Successivamente i massicci degli Alburni, Matese e Picentini sono stati divisi in diversi blocchi omogenei per inclinazione degli strati. L analisi dimostra che strati molto inclinati consentono lo sviluppo di ampie aree endoreiche (polje) mentre strati debolmente inclinati favoriscono lo sviluppo di depressioni di estensione limitata, in particolare depressioni minori. Le depressioni chiuse sono particolarmente sviluppate sul plateau carsico degli Alburni, dove la maggior parte dell acqua superficiale meteorica si infiltra verso la falda. Inoltre, il rilevamento dei sinkholes ha permesso di definire il tipo di distribuzione statistica (normale o gaussiana) che meglio rappresenta la loro distribuzione spaziale. ABSTRACT This work focuses on hydrogeological behaviour of karst systems in southern Italy (Alburni, Matese, Termino and Cervialto massifs). The karst landform common to all areas analized is endorheic area, which may be considered the preferential vehicle for basal springs and groundwater recharge. A preliminary correlation was found between strata layout and morphometric features of endorheic areas; this relationship helps to better understand the recharge processes of karst systems analyzed, particularly for some karst massifs of southern Apennines, affected by irregular orography and geomorphological features. The first step focused on a detailed analysis of endorheic areas, highlighting the etherogeneous size between the macro depressions of Terminio, Cervialto, Matese (polje) and minor-depressions of Alburni summit plateau typified by high density of sinkholes. The differences among endorheic karst landforms development can t be explained only with various processes of karst rocks dissolution; otherwise the strata dip may be considered the main factor having a strong control on closed depressions evolution. Then Alburno, Matese and Picentini massifs have been split in several blocks homogeneous for strata dip. The analysis highlights that the steep slopes of strata do not allow the formation of the closed areas, whereas gentle dip of strata support endorheic areas development, especially minor-depressions. The closed depressions are especially developed on the summit areas, where most of the surface meteoric water are conveyed underground. Additionally the sinkholes detection allowed to define the kind of statistical distribution which better represent their spatial distribution.ViewShow abstractSINUESSA, UN APPRODO SOMMERSO DI EPOCA ROMANA Archeologia, geomorfologia costiera, strategie sostenibili di valorizzazioneBookFull-text availableFeb 2017

\"MiclaMicla Pennetta

\"AlfredoAlfredo TrocciolaPrefazioneMicla Pennetta, Alfredo TrocciolaLa presente monografia su Sinuessa è volta ad una valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale presente lungo le coste della nostra penisola. In attuazione dell’art. 9 della Costituzione, la Repubblica italiana tutela e valorizza il patrimonio culturale al fine di preservare la memoria della comunità nazionale e del suo territorio oltre a promuovere lo sviluppo della cultura. Conoscere significa innescare processi di salvaguardia, tutela, fruizione e valorizzazione; la conoscenza assume un ruolo rilevante ed innovativo rivolto alla sostenibilità e alla efficacia degli interventi. Il patrimonio culturale del nostro territorio può divenire, soprattutto in questo periodo di crisi globale, una forza trainante dell’economia in grado di attivare risorse finanziarie finalizzate anche alla riqualificazione culturale ed ambientale di una regione.La presenza di tracciati viari e di opere marittime di epoca romana, ancora visibili lungo l’area costiera del territorio di Sessa Aurunca (Caserta), ha indotto a svolgere ricerche di geomorfologia costiera anche nell’area sommersa a partire dal 1994. Dopo una lunga pausa, le indagini hanno ripreso con un forte impulso a partire dal maggio 2012 conseguendo notevoli progressi e modificando anche sostanzialmente i dati fino ad allora acquisiti e riportati nella letteratura scientifica dedicata.L’attività di ricerca è stata stimolata dalla presenza di un asse viario di epoca romana, basolato in calcare, perpendicolare alla linea di riva (E-W), che termina bruscamente, obliterandosi sotto la sabbia, in prossimità del cordone dunare costiero (nei pressi del complesso residenziale di Baia Azzurra). Nell’area sommersa prospiciente è stato rilevato un manufatto squadrato sconnesso lungo la stessa direttrice oltre a resti archeologici da ascrivere a manufatti e ad infrastrutture portuali verosimilmente collegati alle pertinenze costiere ed alle attività della colonia verso mare. L’asse viario a terra, costituisce una diramazione verso la costa dell’antica via Appia costruita a partire dal 312 a.C. dal console Appio Claudio e che metteva in comunicazione la colonia di Minturnae (porto fluviale del Mediterraneo nel Lazio meridionale) con Roma e con i centri dell’Italia meridionale. La fondazione della colonia latina di Suessa Aurunca (313 a.C.) nei pressi del vulcano di Roccamonfina e la creazione delle due piccole colonie romane di Minturnae e Sinuessa nel 296 a.C. (dopo le scorrerie dei Sanniti nell’agro falerno) costituirono le tappe fondamentali del processo per il controllo politico e militare del territorio originariamente aurunco (313 a.C. distruzione della Pentapoli Aurunca), (Pagano, 1974, Coarelli, 1993, Crimaco 1993, Gasperetti, 1993, Bellini, 2007). Minturnae e Sinuessa sono due colonie gemelle; quest’ultima è ubicata nell’attuale stretta fascia costiera tra le ultime propaggini nord-occidentali del Monte Massico ed il Mar Tirreno.Ambedue erano piccolissimi presidi o fortezze costiere che avevano il compito di controllare sia il territorio che la costa; in particolare la prima a controllare la foce del Lirs (attuale Fiume Garigliano) e la seconda a controllare l’accesso costiero alla Piana Campana (ager Campanus). Intorno al 174 a.C. Sinuessa diverrà una grande città grazie alla produzione e commercio di vino in tutto il Mediterraneo oltre che un ricercato luogo di vacanze per la presenza di impianti termali. Le Aquae Sinuessanae, con testimonianze tuttora evidenti, sono acque sulfuree i cui impianti erano presenti nella fascia costiera tra le pendici del Monte Cicoli ed il mare. La storia della città sembra interrompersi intorno al III secolo d.C. insieme alle sue strutture portuali (Crimaco, 1993).Alla profondità di 7,0 m e alla distanza dalla costa di circa 650 m è stato rilevato un banco roccioso di natura ignimbritica, messo in posto 39.000 anni dal presente, in un periodo in cui l’attuale area marina era emersa. Verso il margine settentrionale del banco, è stata rilevata un’area depressa, profonda circa 3 m, caratterizzata dalla presenza di 24 elementi di forma cubica, di 3 m x 3 m di lato, in conglomerato cementizio (opus cementicium). Al top dei blocchi sono stati rilevati fori semicircolari, da adibire al sollevamento, al trasporto e all’accostamento; sono denominati pilae e sono tipici di opere marittime romane come descritto da Vitruvio in De Architectura (sin dal I sec. a.C.). Il loro impiego era largamente diffuso sulle coste flegree per la costruzione dei moli e banchine, come rilevato nei vicini insediamenti di Baia e di Portus Julius. La presenza di paleospiagge e di morfologie accessorie alla stessa profondità della sommità pianeggiante del banco tufaceo induce a ritenere che questo fosse emerso e frequentato dall’uomo in epoca romana anche per attività connesse alla portualità. Gli studi svolti hanno contribuito alla comprensione delle possibili cause della sommersione dell’approdo di Sinuessa, valutando l’ampiezza della variazione relativa del livello del mare per cause glacio-idro-isostatiche pari a circa 1 m ed a cause tettoniche e di subsidenza pari complessivamente a circa 6,5/7 m. Il rilevamento di manufatti sommersi, attestati sul banco tufaceo poi subsidente, risalenti all’epoca romana, consente di collocare la linea di riva di epoca romana (circa 2000 anni dal presente) a circa 1 km verso il largo. È stata individuata anche una linea di riva più antica, verosimilmente ascrivibile al periodo greco-romano, ad una distanza dalla costa attuale pari a circa 1300 m.I vari capitoli che si succedono sottolineano le collaborazioni instaurate dall’ENEA con il Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, dell’Ambiente e delle Risorse (DiSTAR) dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, con le Soprintendenze archeologiche della Campania, con l’INGV (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia), con le amministrazioni comunali di Sessa Aurunca e di Mondragone (Caserta), con l’Autorità di Bacino dei fiumi Liri-Garigliano e Volturno ed alcune associazioni legate al settore dei beni culturali (Marenostrum di Archeoclub d’Italia). L’insieme degli studi e delle ricerche avranno tra gli obiettivi di realizzare un Parco geoarcheologico da finalizzare alla conservazione e valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale sommerso, in linea con la Convenzione dell’UNESCO sulla protezione del patrimonio culturale subacqueo adottata a Parigi il 2 novembre 2001 e ratificata in Italia il 23 ottobre 2009.ViewShow abstractThe Central Mediterranean Mountain Chains in the Alpine Orogenic EnvironmentChapterJan 1978A. CaireThe present article provides general information on Alpine structure and evolution, as a framework within which to consider various regional studies. The relatively short text is conceived as forming the link between the figures, which, more clearly than words, illustrate various aspects of Alpine geology. Thus, a rapid review of the present structure may be obtained by successively studying Figs. 1, 3, 8, 13, 19, 14, 16, 10, 11, 4, 6, 7, and 12; of the retrotectonics and paleogeography from Figs. 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6; while Figs. 2, 15, 17, 18, and 19 illustrate various recent hypotheses.ViewShow abstractStudy of an Active Landslide on A16 Highway (Italy): Modeling, Monitoring and Triggering AlarmConference PaperMay 2017

\"AndreaAndrea Carri

\"CleliaClelia Grignaffini

\"AndreaAndrea Segalini

\"GennaroGennaro SpolverinoThis paper presents the preliminary results of a study carried out on an active landslide, which insists on the A16 (E842) Highway, between Campania and Puglia region (South of Italy). The area lies at the foot of a large gravitational mass, classified as “ancient landslide deposit” where a system of landslides, with different types and activity states, are present. It is characterized by the widespread presence of clayey sequences that affect the stability of the slopes looming over the highway. The site has been instrumented with a series of automated sensors, both innovative and traditional, which monitor different physical entities. Furthermore, a photogrammetry survey was carried out with a drone in order to know precisely the geometry of the slope. Once the geotechnical and hydraulic parameters were collected, a 2D finite difference numerical model (FLAC® software) of the slope was set up and a series of back analysis were carried out comparing the model results with those obtained from the monitoring database. Through these back analyses, the choice of the geotechnical parameter was refined and validated. Different physical variables and results are shown into a unique representation, in comparison with the developed model and the geological and geotechnical information. Following the trends of data, the weekly/monthly average displacements and the possible causes (heavy rainfall, raising of the water table), it is possible to study the mechanical behavior of the landslide and establish preliminary warning thresholds, which have to be verified in future. The large number of acquisitions, provided by the automated monitoring system, permits to use a statistical approach in order to identify a good reliability and increase the confidence on the results. The obtained knowledge allows for the automation of the data processing procedure and for the control of the highway stability in near real time.ViewShow abstractSTUDIO INTEGRATO DI UN’AREA MARINO-COSTIERA: LA FOCE DEL FIUME VOLTURNO.Technical ReportFull-text availableJan 2016

\"LucianaLuciana Ferraro

\"InesInes Alberico

\"AntimoAntimo Angelino

\"MattiaMattia VallefuocoViewGravity modeling finds a large magma body in the deep crust below the Gulf of Naples, ItalyArticleFull-text availableMay 2018

\"MaurizioMaurizio FediF. Cella

\"M.M. D AntonioV. MorraWe analyze a wide gravity low in the Campania Active Volcanic Area and interpret it by a large and deep source distribution of partially molten, low-density material from about 8 to 30 km depth. Given the complex spatial-temporal distribution of explosive volcanism in the area, we model the gravity data consistently with several volcanological and petrological constraints. We propose two possible models: one accounts for the coexistence, within the lower/intermediate crust, of large amounts of melts and cumulates besides country rocks. It implies a layered distribution of densities and, thus, a variation with depth of percentages of silicate liquids, cumulates and country rocks. The other reflects a fractal density distribution, based on the scaling exponent estimated from the gravity data. According to this model, the gravity low would be related to a distribution of melt pockets within solid rocks. Both density distributions account for the available volcanological and seismic constraints and can be considered as end-members of possible models compatible with gravity data. Such results agree with the general views about the roots of large areas of ignimbritic volcanism worldwide. Given the prolonged history of magmatism in the Campania area since Pliocene times, we interpret the detected low-density body as a developing batholith.ViewShow abstractFormulation of landslide risk scenarios using underground monitoring data and numerical models: conceptual approach, analysis, and evolution of a case study in Southern ItalyArticleFeb 2019LANDSLIDES

\"GiovannaGiovanna Capparelli

\"AndreaAndrea Segalini

\"AndreaAndrea Carri

\"CleliaClelia GrignaffiniUnderstanding the mechanism of a landslide and its evolution is of fundamental importance in the risk management process. This work introduces an articulated approach to the problem, applying it to a specific case in the south of Italy where a gravitational movement insists on a section of an important highway. In recent years, the site has been investigated from a geomorphological and a lithological point of view, and a comprehensive geomechanical characterization has been carried out by means of on-site and laboratory tests. The area has been instrumented with a monitoring system composed of automatic inclinometers, piezometers, a rainfall station, and time domain reflectometry (TDR) cables. These sensors have monitored the deformation processes and their correlation with groundwater fluctuation. A 2D finite differences model (FDM) of the slope has been created, calibrated, and validated through back analysis, carried out using the monitoring data available. A secondary creep phenomenon, barely influenced by the water level rise due to occasional rainfall, has been identified and modeled using the Burgers viscoelastic constitutive model. Variations in the piezometric level were introduced and their effect accounted for the numerical model refinement. Once the improvements had been completed together with the reproduction of past events, a predictive analysis was carried out in order to forecast the most probable slope behavior relative to the incoming year. At the end of this phase, the infrastructure supervisor should have information about possible deformations to be compared with the near real-time monitoring outcomes and design assumptions. This procedure allows real-time monitoring of the compatibility of slope deformations with highway safety.ViewShow abstractAnalysis of annual mean recharge in main karst Systems of Southern ItalyArticleFull-text availableMar 2019

\"FrancescoFrancesco Fiorillo

\"MauroMauro Pagnozzi

\"GerardoGerardo VentafriddaThis short paper aim to provide an analytical approach to pinpointthe recharge processes evaluated for some karst massifs of southernItaly. The assessment of annual mean recharge for thirty time periodwas carried out for Terminio, Cervialto, Matese and also for Alburnikarst massif (1971 - 1999); the annual scale groundwater rechargeanalysis starts from regression of annual mean values of differentground-elevated rain gauges and thermometers. The estimation takesinto account the presence of the wide endorheic areas (for Matese,Terminio and Cervialto massifs), distinguished from the rest of thecatchment, characterized by the “open areas”. For the Alburni karstmassif the recharge phenomenon is chiefly controlled by summitkarst plateau, where an “internal runoff” occurs; as the complexity ofsurface orography doesn’t allow to define all endorheic areas affectingkarst plateau, in order to define recharge coefficient proposed byFiorillo et al. (2015) in annual scale recharge model, the summitkarstic plateau was considered as a wide endorheic area, representingthen the predominant recharge area, feeding basal karst springs.ViewShow abstractShow moreResearchGate has not been able to resolve any references for this publication.Recommended publicationsDiscover moreArticleFull-text availableEpisodi compressivi neogenico-quaternari nell area estensionale tirrenica nord-orientale. Dati in ma...January 1990

\"MassimoMassimo BerniniM. BoccalettiG. Moratti[...]

\"LuigiLuigi TorelliView full-textArticleFull-text availableLe aree rurali dell’Appennino Ligure tra età romana e tardomedioevo. Ricerche storiche e archeologic...December 2015[...]Giovanni Battista ParodiLa ricerca è incentrata sull’analisi delle forme e delle dinamiche del popolamento, delle strutture e dell’organizzazione del territorio dell’alta Valle Scrivia (area appenninica ubicata tra Genova e la pianura che mai è stata oggetto di ricerche sistematiche) tra la tarda antichità e il XV secolo, alla luce delle fonti storiche, cartografiche e archeologiche. In particolare, la realizzazione di ... [Show full abstract] indagini di superficie e shovel tests ha consentito di ampliare e approfondire la conoscenza del comprensorio nel periodo in esame, fornendo interessanti spunti per lo studio delle aree rurali appenniniche. Gli elementi raccolti sono confl uiti all’interno di un database e di una piattaforma GIS appositamente creata.The research focuses on the analysis of settlement forms and dynamics, structures and organisation of upper Valle Scrivia (an area in the Apennines located between Genoa and the Po Valley that has never been the object of systematic studies) between Late Antiquity and the 15th century in light of historical, cartographic and archaeological sources. In particular, carrying out surface surveys and shovel tests allowed to widen and increase the knowledge of the area in the period examined and provided interesting ideas for the study of rural areas in the Apennines. The elements that were gathered were inserted into a database and a GIS platform created on purpose.View full-textArticleFull-text availableOrdine delle parole e struttura della frase nelle lingue romanze antiche, in Chr. Schmitt (ed.):Gram...January 1993[...]

\"GiampaoloGiampaolo SalviSOMMARIO: Le caratteristiche dell ordine delle parole nelle lingue romanze antiche sono studlate a partiré dalle indicazioni tradizionalmente coriosciute e dalle analisi generative recenti. Per risolvere i problemi empirici che ne sorgono, l autore ci mostra che alcuni dei costituenti preverbali si trovano strutturalmente in periferia delia frase propriamente detta (elementi dislocati a ... [Show full abstract] sinistra), e che questi elementi periferici non sono contati per quanto riguarda alla marcatura dell ordine degli elementi delia frase. L analisi prende in considerazione la correlazione tra la posizione dei clitici e la posizione deli elemento immediatamente preverbale. (Resumo elaborado por Maria Helena de Moura Neves -FCL/Unesp/Araraquara ; versão para o italiano de Marilei Amadeu -IBILCE/Unesp/São José do Rio Preto) • UNITERMINI: Ordine delle parole; lingue romanze antiche; posizione dei clitici. 1. Ordine delle parole L ordine delle parole nelle lingue romanze antiche presenta un certo numero di caratteristiche che sono comuni ai diversi idiomi e che, alio stesso tempo, li differenziano dalle varietà moderne. 3 Si tratta principalmente dei seguenti tratti: a) nelle frasi principali, il verbo occupa generalmente la seconda posizione ed è preceduto da un costituente che ha normalmente la funzione pragmática di tema (o, più raramente, di fuoco), indipendentemente dalla sua funzione grammaticale (soggetto (1), oggetto diretto (2) o indiretto, argomento preposizionale (3), ecc.). 4 1. Conferenza tenuta presso la Faculdade de Ciências e Letras -UNESP -Campus de Araraquara, nel 23 Sttembre 1992. 2. Universitá di Budapeste -Ungheria -Bartók Béla út 30 H-llll Budapeste. 3. Cfr. prima di tutto Thumeysen (1892). Per la bibliografia successiva cfr. De Kok (1985), sul francese, e le indicazioni sommarie di Salvi (1991). 4. Useremo ess. tratti da testi galego-portoghesi medievali. Per 1 indicazione esatta delle fonti cfr. la Bibliografia.View full-textArticleStruttura marginale dell Appennino campano: reinterpretazioni di dati di antiche ricerche di idrocar...January 1973F. IppolitoF. Ortolani[...]M. RussoRead moreDiscover the world s researchJoin ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work.Join for free

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